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Microservice-based architecture for the NRDC




The NSF EPSCOR funded Solar Nexus Project is a collaborative effort between scientists, engineers, educators, and technicians to increase the amount of renewable solar energy in Nevada while eliminating its adverse effects on the surrounding environment and wildlife, and minimizing water consumption. The project seeks to research multiple areas, including water usage at power plants, the effect of power plant construction on the surrounding ecology, alternative wastewater methods to maintain solar panels, and interdisciplinary solutions to improve solar energy in Nevada. In order to organize and analyze this data to produce effective change, Nexus needs a centralized database to store collected data. To this end the Nevada Research Data Center is designed to collect, format, and store data for scientists to view and consider. This paper presents a new architecture solution for the NRDC. Based in microservices, the solution aims to ensure scalability, reliability, and maintainability of this data center. Background on NRDC is provided in the paper, together with details on the proposed solution's software specification, design, and prototype implementation. A discussion of the microservice-based architecture's benefits and an outline of planned directions of future work are also included.
机译:由NSF EPSCOR资助的Solar Nexus项目是科学家,工程师,教育者和技术人员之间的共同努力,旨在增加内华达州的可再生太阳能量,同时消除其对周围环境和野生动植物的不利影响,并最大程度地减少水的消耗。该项目旨在研究多个领域,包括发电厂的用水量,发电厂建设对周围生态的影响,可替代的废水处理方法来维护太阳能电池板以及跨学科的解决方案来改善内华达州的太阳能。为了组织和分析这些数据以产生有效的变化,Nexus需要一个集中式数据库来存储收集的数据。为此,内华达州研究数据中心旨在收集,格式化和存储数据,供科学家查看和考虑。本文提出了一种新的NRDC体系结构解决方案。该解决方案基于微服务,旨在确保该数据中心的可伸缩性,可靠性和可维护性。本文提供了有关NRDC的背景,以及所提议解决方案的软件规范,设计和原型实现的详细信息。还包括对基于微服务的体系结构的好处的讨论,以及对未来工作的计划方向的概述。



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