
Fast Sensor Process Modeling and Registration in Sensor Web

机译:Sensor Web中的快速传感器过程建模和注册



Sensor modeling and registration is the basis of sensor centralized management and sensor information sharing in Sensor Web. According to the SensorML standard developed by OGC, this paper proposes a user-oriented fast sensor process modeling and sensor registration method based on the in-depth analysis of the SensorML conceptual model of sensor description. With this method, all the information required to describe the sensor will be divided into three categories with defining the necessary elements, optional elements and element format for each category: Identification, Capabilities and Contact. Then the same category of information will be presented in the same form. Users only need to fill in these forms according to the process, and then complete the sensor modeling process by submitting these forms to the server. Finally, the server receives the information to generate XML formatted sensor information models of the SensorML standard. Users could complete the sensor registration with these models. In order to verify the feasibility of this method, this paper designs and realizes a fast sensor modeling and sensor registration online system based on the SensorML standard of version 1.0.1, and registers an in situ sensor to Sensor Observation Service(SOS) successfully by this system.
机译:传感器建模和注册是Sensor Web中传感器集中管理和传感器信息共享的基础。根据OGC制定的SensorML标准,在对SensorML传感器描述概念模型进行深入分析的基础上,提出了一种面向用户的快速传感器过程建模和传感器注册方法。使用此方法,描述传感器所需的所有信息将分为三类,并为每个类别定义必要的元素,可选元素和元素格式:识别,功能和接触。然后,相同类别的信息将以相同的形式呈现。用户只需要根据该过程填写这些表格,然后通过将这些表格提交给服务器来完成传感器建模过程。最后,服务器接收该信息以生成XML格式的SensorML标准的传感器信息模型。用户可以使用这些模型完成传感器注册。为了验证该方法的可行性,本文设计并实现了一种基于1.0.1版本的SensorML标准的快速传感器建模和传感器在线注册系统,并通过SOS成功地将原位传感器注册到传感器观察服务(SOS)。这个系统。



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