首页> 外文会议>Annual meeting of the transportation research board;Transportation Research Board >Modernizing the U.S. Interstate Highway System via Toll Finance

Modernizing the U.S. Interstate Highway System via Toll Finance




This paper addresses two related problems: how to pay for reconstruction andmodernization of the aging Interstate highway system and how to deal with politicalopposition to increased use of direct charging for highway use. It proposes introducingtolling only on individual corridors as they are reconstructed and (if needed) widened, aswell as using tolls to replace fuel taxes to avoid “double taxation.” First, the cost ofreconstructing all existing Interstate lane-miles is estimated, using FHWA HERS unitcost data. The cost of adding lanes, where indicated by projected growth in light andheavy vehicle travel, is estimated using HERS unit costs. The revenue that could begenerated by an inflation-adjusted per-mile tolling system (to be implemented via allelectronictolling) on this rebuilt and modernized system is estimated. Finally, the netpresent value of toll revenues is compared with the net present value of modernizationcost as an initial estimate of financial feasibility. The analysis is carried out for all 50states and the District of Columbia.
机译:本文解决了两个相关的问题:如何支付重建费用和 州际公路系统老化的现代化以及如何应对政治 反对增加直接收费用于公路用途。建议提出 重建和(如果需要)拓宽时,仅对单个走廊收费,如下 以及使用通行费代替燃油税来避免“双重征税”。一,费用 使用FHWA HERS单元,估计重建所有现有的州际车道里程 费用数据。新增车道的成本,以灯光和 重型车辆行驶,使用HERS单位成本估算。可能的收入 经通货膨胀调整后的每英里收费系统产生的费用(将通过全电子方式实现) 此重建和现代化系统的通行费)。最后,网 将通行费收入的现值与现代化的净现值进行比较 成本作为财务可行性的初步估算。对所有50个样本进行分析 州和哥伦比亚特区。



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