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Accelerating Career and Life Success: Ropes to Skip and Ropes to Know




1. Our Data/Fact Base: We're going to share observations, insights, tips from our 25+ years of working together. 2. Understanding Full Potential Performance, learning how to get to 'prime', accelerating your career advancement and the 'wealth creation process' 3. The Importance of Core Values and Operating Principles: the foundation 4. Relationship Management and Trust: Lifetime value of understanding how to build and grow relationships, finding mentors, your Board of Directors 5. Lifetime pursuit of personal and professional mastery: If you don't go within, you go without. Flexibility and Patience. Grow/develop in a balanced way. 6. Creating Value: A whole bunch of give's and get's. 7. Pragmatic First Steps to accelerating Career and Life Success.
机译:1.我们的数据/事实基础:我们将分享观察,见解,从我们25多年的合作中共同努力。 2.了解全部潜在表现,学习如何获得“素质”,加速您的职业发展和“财富创造过程”3。核心价值观和经营原则的重要性:基金会4.关系管理与信任:终身价值了解如何构建和发展关系,找到导师,您的董事会5.终身追求个人和专业掌握:如果你不在内部,你就没有了。灵活性和耐心。以平衡的方式发展/发展。 6.创造价值:整整一堆给予和得到的。 7.务实的第一步加速职业和生活成功。



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