首页> 外文会议>International annual conference of ICT >Energetic binders:DNAN vs TNT Evaluation of melt-cast explosive compositions based on TNT and DNAN NEXTER Munitions

Energetic binders:DNAN vs TNT Evaluation of melt-cast explosive compositions based on TNT and DNAN NEXTER Munitions

机译:高能粘合剂:DNAN与TNT基于TNT和DNAN NEXTER弹药的熔铸炸药成分评估



Melt casting is one of the processes used all over the world for the production of ammunition. The major energetic binders used in this process are TNT and DNAN. DNAN is often found to replace TNT in explosive compositions. The comparative study between TNT and DNAN performed by Nexter Munitions shows that it is difficult to compare bare charges of TNT and bare charges of DNAN. Because of the low detonics performances, DNAN is never used as a main charge. 2 major explosive compositions in the low sensitivity field, i.e. XF®11585 and MCX-6100, have been chosen so as to compare DNAN and TNT binders.
机译:熔铸是全世界弹药生产中使用的工艺之一。此过程中使用的主要高能粘合剂是TNT和DNAN。经常发现DNAN取代了炸药成分中的TNT。 Nexter Munitions对TNT和DNAN进行的比较研究表明,很难比较TNT的裸电荷和DNAN的裸电荷。由于低爆震性能,DNAN从未被用作主要炸药。在低灵敏度领域中,选择了两种主要的炸药成分,即XF®11585和MCX-6100,以比较DNAN和TNT粘合剂。



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