首页> 外文会议>Conseil International des Grands Reseaux Electriques;International Council on Large Electric Systems;CIGRE session >The consequences for the system operation due to the reduction of the values of magnetic field requirements caused by transmission lines near urban areas A study case

The consequences for the system operation due to the reduction of the values of magnetic field requirements caused by transmission lines near urban areas A study case




According to the Brazilian Regulation, magnetic field density inside the Right of Way (RoW) oftransmission lines (TL) and on the TL RoW border must be respectively below 83.33 and 416.67μT.This limits are applicable both to old and new installations.In 2006, Eletropaulo, the electricity distribution utility in São Paulo, Brazil, was sentenced to reducethe magnetic field produced by all its transmission and distribution lines to 1μT as a consequence of alawsuit submitted jointly by Sociedade Amigos do Bairro City Boaçava (In English: Society of Friendsof the Neighborhood of the City Boaçava) and Sociedade de Amigos do Alto de Pinheiro (In English:Society of Friends of Alto Pinheiro). Eletropaulo appealed but the sentence was confirmed in 2008. In2012, in the judgment for the admission of Eletropaulo´s Extraordinary Appeal 627.189/SP, theReporting Justice of the decision to be taken by the Brazilian Supreme Court, before writing his vote,has convened a public hearing with the target of collecting opinions and testimonies of experts andinstitutions about the issue. One of the institutions was Operador Nacional do Sistema Elétrico –ONS, the Brazilian system operator, which has the responsibility of managing and operating theBrazilian interconnected system.The purpose of this paper is to discuss this subject, focusing on the following: investments andtechnologies needed to reduce the magnetic field produced by TL’s; and practical and economicrepercussions of such a reduction on the system operation and on the electricity supply.
机译:根据巴西法规,在 传输线(TL)和TL RoW边界必须分别低于83.33和416.67μT。 此限制适用于旧安装和新安装。 2006年,巴西圣保罗的配电公司Eletropaulo被判减少 由于 Sociedade Amigos do Bairro CityBoaçava联合提起的诉讼(英文:Society of Friends 博阿瓦瓦市街区(Academy ofBoaçava)和Sociedade de Amigos do Alto de Pinheiro(英语: Alto Pinheiro朋友协会)。 Eletropaulo提出上诉,但该判决于2008年得到确认。 2012年,在接受Eletropaulo临时上诉627.189 / SP的判决中, 向巴西最高法院报告在作出其投票之前将要作出的决定的正义, 已经召开了一次公开听证会,旨在收集专家和专家的意见和证词。 有关此问题的机构。其中一个机构是国家歌剧院-西西玛·埃莱特里科– 巴西系统运营商ONS,负责管理和操作 巴西的互连系统。 本文的目的是讨论此主题,重点放在以下方面:投资和 减少TL产生的磁场所需的技术;实用又经济 这种减少对系统运行和电力供应的影响。



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