首页> 外文会议>Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society >Addition of deep brain stimulation signal to a local field potential driven Izhikevich model masks the pathological firing pattern of an STN neuron

Addition of deep brain stimulation signal to a local field potential driven Izhikevich model masks the pathological firing pattern of an STN neuron




The crucial engagement of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) with the neurosurgical procedure of deep brain stimulation (DBS) that alleviates medically intractable Parkinsonian tremor augments the need to refine our current understanding of STN. To enhance the efficacy of DBS as a result of precise targeting, STN boundaries are accurately mapped using extracellular microelectrode recordings (MERs). We utilized the intranuclear MER to acquire the local field potential (LFP) and drive an Izhikevich model of an STN neuron. Using the model as the test bed for clinically acquired data, we demonstrated that stimulation of the STN neuron produces excitatory responses that tonically increase its average firing rate and alter the pattern of its neuronal activity. We also found that the spiking rhythm increases linearly with the increase of amplitude, frequency, and duration of the DBS pulse, inside the clinical range. Our results are in agreement with the current hypothesis that DBS increases the firing rate of STN and masks its pathological bursting firing pattern.



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