首页> 外文会议>IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition >A New Finsler Minimal Path Model with Curvature Penalization for Image Segmentation and Closed Contour Detection

A New Finsler Minimal Path Model with Curvature Penalization for Image Segmentation and Closed Contour Detection




In this paper, we propose a new curvature penalized minimal path model for image segmentation via closed contour detection based on the weighted Euler elastica curves, firstly introduced to the field of computer vision in [22]. Our image segmentation method extracts a collection of curvature penalized minimal geodesics, concatenated to form a closed contour, by connecting a set of user-specified points. Globally optimal minimal paths can be computed by solving an Eikonal equation. This first order PDE is traditionally regarded as unable to penalize curvature, which is related to the path acceleration in active contour models. We introduce here a new approach that enables finding a global minimum of the geodesic energy including a curvature term. We achieve this through the use of a novel Finsler metric adding to the image domain the orientation as an extra space dimension. This metric is non-Riemannian and asymmetric, defined on an orientation lifted space, incorporating the curvature penalty in the geodesic energy. Experiments show that the proposed Finsler minimal path model indeed outperforms state-of-the-art minimal path models in both synthetic and real images.
机译:在本文中,我们提出了一种基于加权Euler Elastica曲线的闭合轮廓检测来提出一种新的曲率惩治图像分割的最小路径模型,首先引入了[22]中的计算机视野。我们的图像分割方法通过连接一组用户指定的点来提取曲率惩罚最小测量曲线的集合,以形成闭合轮廓。通过求解eikonal方程,可以计算全局最佳的最小路径。传统上,该第一阶PDE被认为不能惩罚曲率,这与活动轮廓模型中的路径加速有关。我们在这里介绍一种新方法,使得能够找到包括曲率术语的Geodesic能量的全局最小值。我们通过使用一个新的FinSler度量来实现这一目标,将其添加到图像域中的方向作为额外的空间尺寸。该度量是非黎曼和不对称的,在取向提升空间上定义,包括在测地能量中的曲率损失。实验表明,所提出的Finsler最小路径模型确实在合成和真实图像中表现出最先进的最小路径模型。



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