首页> 外文会议>Annual conference of the International Society of Exposure Science >Assessing the Improvement in Predicting Personal Exposure to Elements in PM2.5 by Including Indoor PM2.5 Measurements and Home Characteristics to Outdoor PM2.5 Measurements

Assessing the Improvement in Predicting Personal Exposure to Elements in PM2.5 by Including Indoor PM2.5 Measurements and Home Characteristics to Outdoor PM2.5 Measurements




The elemental composition of PM2.5 has been associated with adverse health outcomes. Most epidemiological studies use outdoor PM2.5 concentrations at central monitoring sites as a surrogate of personal exposure. Here, it was tested if the addition of indoor PM2.5 measurements or other home and personal characteristics increased the prediction accuracy of personal PM2.5. The mass concentrations of PM2.5 and 36 elements were measured during 48-hour parallel indoor, outdoor, and personal sampling in nonsmoking households in three urban areas as part of the Relationship of Indoor, Outdoor, and Personal Air (RIOPA) study. Random forests were used to predict personal exposure for elements in PM2.5. A total of three models were developed, differing only with respect to the predictors used. Model 1 included only outdoor elemental measurements. Model 2 included both outdoor and indoor concentrations of elements in PM2.5. Model 3 included indoor and outdoor PM2.5 measurements and also home characteristics. The mean absolute prediction error percentage (MAPE%) for all models were calculated based on bootstrapped cross-validation and then were quantitatively compared. The inclusion of indoor PM2.5 measurements significantly improved the prediction of personal exposure for 17 of the 24 elements (Al, As, Ba, Ca, Cl, Fe, K, Mn, S, Sb, Se, Sn, Sr, Ti, V, Zn, Zr) compared to the model with outdoor PM2.5 data alone. For the remaining elements (Br, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Si), the inclusion of indoor PM2.5 elemental concentrations did not significantly improve the prediction of personal exposure. Inclusion of home characteristics did not significantly improve the prediction of personal exposure for any of the elements. Overall, using outdoor PM2.5 data is not a perfect surrogate for personal PM2.5 exposure. For most elements, supplementing outdoor PM2.5 data with indoor PM2.5 data decreases the MAPE% for personal PM2.5 exposure while the addition of home characteristics does not.
机译:PM2.5的元素组成与不良健康结果有关。大多数流行病学研究在中央监测点使用室外PM2.5浓度作为个人曝光的替代品。在这里,如果添加室内PM2.5测量或其他家庭和个人特征,则测试了它的测试提高了个人PM2.5的预测准确性。在三个城市地区的48小时平行,户外和个人采样期间测量PM2.5和36个元素的质量浓度,作为室内,室外和个人空气(RIOPA)研究的一部分。随机森林用于预测PM2.5中的元素的个人暴露。共开发了三种模型,仅对使用的预测器不同。型号1包括户外元素测量。模型2包括PM2.5中的室外和室内浓度的元素。型号3包括室内和室外PM2.5测量和家庭特色。基于自举交叉验证计算所有模型的平均绝对预测误差百分比(MAPE%),然后进行定量比较。包含室内PM2.5测量显着改善了24个元素中17个元素的预测(Al,As,Ba,Ca,Cl,Fe,K,Mn,S,Sb,Se,Sn,Sr,Ti, v,zn,zr)与单独使用户外PM2.5数据的模型相比。对于剩余的元素(BR,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,Si),包含室内PM2.5元素浓度并未显着改善个人暴露的预测。包含家庭特征并没有显着改善任何元素的个人风险预测。总的来说,使用户外PM2.5数据不是个人PM2.5曝光的完美代理。对于大多数元素,使用室内PM2.5数据补充户外PM2.5数据减少了个人PM2.5曝光的MAPE%,而添加家庭特征则不是。



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