首页> 外文会议>Annual conference of the International Society of Exposure Science >Environmental cadmium and lead exposures and age-related macular degeneration in US adults: the National Health and Nutrition Exam Survey, 2005 to 2008

Environmental cadmium and lead exposures and age-related macular degeneration in US adults: the National Health and Nutrition Exam Survey, 2005 to 2008




Background: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in the US. It is a complex disease resulting from the interplay of genetic predisposition and environmental exposures, and has been linked to oxidative stress and inflammatory mechanisms. Lead and cadmium can accumulate in human retinal tissues and may damage the retina through oxidative stress, and may thereby play a role in the development of AMD. Aim: To examine the associations of cadmium and lead with AMD in US adults. Methods: We analyzed data from 5,390 participants aged 40 years and older from two cycles of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 2005 to 2008. Retinal photographs were graded with a modification of the Wisconsin Age-Related Maculopathy Grading System to identify signs of any AMD including both early and late AMD. Results: The weighted prevalence of AMD was 6.6% (n=426) and the geometric mean blood lead, blood cadmium, and urinary cadmium levels were 1.65 (95% confidence interval (CI), 1.60-1.71) μg/dL, 0.41 (0.39-0.42) μg/L, and 0.29 (0.27-0.31) μg/L, respectively. After controlling for age (linear and quadratic), gender, race/ethnicity, education and body mass index (<25, 25-29.9, 30+ kg/m2), those in the highest blood cadmium quartile had a higher odds of AMD compared to the lowest quartile (odds ratio (OR)=1.56, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.02, 2.40), with a significant trend across quartiles (p for trend=0.02). After further adjustment for pack-years of cigarette smoking, these estimates were somewhat attenuated (OR=1.43; 95% CI: 0.91, 2.27; p for trend=0.08). There was a suggestive association between urinary cadmium and AMD (OR comparing the highest with the lowest quartiles of urinary cadmium=2.18; 95% CI: 0.70, 6.83; P for trend=0.09). We found no association between blood lead and AMD. Conclusion: Higher cadmium body burden may increase risk of AMD. Additional studies are needed to confirm the association between cadmium and AMD.
机译:背景:年龄相关性黄斑变性(AMD)是在美国失明的主要原因。它是由遗传倾向和环境暴露的相互作用产生一种复杂的疾病,并且已与氧化应激和炎症的机制。铅和镉可在人的视网膜组织中积累,并可能损坏通过氧化应激的视网膜,并可能从而发挥AMD的发展中的作用。目的:研究镉协会和美国成人与AMD领先。方法:我们分析了5,390 40岁及全国健康和营养调查的年长从两个周期参与者的数据从2005年至2008年对视网膜图片进行与威斯康星年龄相关性黄斑病变分级系统的修改分级识别的任何迹象AMD,包括早期和晚期AMD。结果:AMD的加权患病率为6.6%(N = 426)和几何平均血液铅,镉血和尿镉水平1.65(95%置信区间(CI),1.60-1.71)微克/分升,0.41( 0.39-0.42)微克/升,和0.29(0.27-0.31)微克/升,分别。控制年龄(线性和二次),性别,种族/民族,教育和身体质量指数(<25,25-29.9,30+公斤/平方米)后,那些在最高血镉四分位数有AMD的较高可能性比较到最低四分位数(比值比(OR)= 1.56,95%置信区间(CI):1.02,2.40),并在保持一个四分显著趋势(趋势p = 0.02)。用于包 - 年吸烟进一步调整后,这些估计是有所减弱(OR = 1.43; 95%CI:0.91,2.27;趋势P = 0.08)。有尿镉和AMD之间的关联暗示(OR比较最高与尿镉= 2.18的最低四分位数; 95%CI:0.70,6.83;趋势P = 0.09)。我们发现血铅和AMD之间没有关联。结论:高镉身体负担可能会增加AMD的风险。需要进一步的研究来证实镉和AMD之间的关联。



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