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Air ion variation during morning period (06:00-08:00 hours) at rural station Ramanandnagar (17° 4′ M 74° 25′ E) India

机译:印度拉曼南那加尔农村站(17°4′M 74°25′E)早晨(06:00-08:00)的空气离子变化



Air ion variation during morning period (06:00-08:00 hours) at rural station Ramanandnagar (17° 4′ N 74° 25′ E) India S.D. Pawar ABSTRACT The atmospheric-electric processes can be understood only if it is assumed that the atmosphere is electrically conducting. The presence of aerosol in the air was found to be very greatly affecting the conductivity. Since the aerosol particles are very large compared to the ions, an ion is more likely to strike against aerosol-particle, and give up its charge to it or to adhere to the surface, than to collide with an ion of opposite sign. In this way, the rate of loss of conductivity is rapid. To measure small currents (AD549JH) amplifier is used by converting it into a voltage, which is usually linearly related to the input current. In January average positive air ions were 9×102 ions per cm3, starts decreasing and reaches to minimum (1.2 × 102 ions per cm3) in April. From May starts increasing and reaches to 9.1 × 102 ions per cm3 in June. Average negative air ions were 6×102 ions per cm3 in January. In February average negative air ions were 5.85 × 102 ions per cm3. From February starts decreasing and reaches minimum (1.2 × 102 ions per cm3) in April. In June average negative air ions were 9.4 × 102 ions per cm3. Average negative air ions were 3 × 102 ions per cm3 in July. From July average negative air ions starts increasing and reaches maximum (8.2 × 102 ions per cm3) in September. The air quality is depends on number of negative air ions present in the atmosphere. In January as compared negative air ions positive air ions were more in the atmosphere. Therefore atmosphere in January month is very harmful to human health during morning period.
机译:印度南部拉曼德纳格尔(Ramanandnagar)农村站(17°4′N 74°25′E)早晨时段(06:00-08:00小时)空气离子变化Pawar摘要只有假设大气是导电的,才能理解大气的电过程。发现空气中存在气溶胶会极大地影响电导率。因为与离子相比,气溶胶颗粒非常大,所以离子与与相反符号的离子碰撞相比,更有可能撞击气溶胶颗粒并向其释放电荷或粘附在表面上。这样,电导率的损失速度很快。为了测量小电流(AD549JH),使用放大器将其转换为电压,该电压通常与输入电流线性相关。一月份,平均正空气离子为9×102离子/ cm3,开始下降并在四月份降至最低(1.2×102离子/ cm3)。从5月开始增加,6月达到每平方厘米9.1×102离子。一月份,平均负空气离子为6×102离子/ cm3。 2月份,平均负空气离子为5.85×102离子/ cm3。从2月开始下降,并在4月达到最小值(1.2×102离子/ cm3)。 6月,平均负空气离子为每立方厘米9.4×102离子。 7月,平均负空气离子为3×102离子/ cm3。从7月开始,平均负空气离子开始增加,并在9月达到最大值(每平方厘米8.2×102个离子)。空气质量取决于大气中存在的负空气离子的数量。与1月相比,大气中的负空气离子更多。因此,一月的气氛对早晨的人体健康非常有害。



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