首页> 外文会议>Annual conference of the International Society of Exposure Science >Comparison of environmental determinants for self-perceived health symptoms between seniros aged 60 years or older in urban and rural areas of South Korea

Comparison of environmental determinants for self-perceived health symptoms between seniros aged 60 years or older in urban and rural areas of South Korea




Background. The population aged 60 years and older in South Korea is increasing. Evidence-based risk management strategies should be employed to tackle health problems associated with an aging population. Aims. This preliminary study aims to compare the exposure prevalence to selected environmental risk factors in urban and rural areas, and to evaluate the association of self-perceived health symptoms with exposure to potential environmental risk factors among elderly individuals aged 60 years and older in urban and rural areas of South Korea. Methods. The participants of this convenience-based, cross-sectional exposure survey were people aged 60 years and older, who were randomly recruited from an urban (Cheon-An, N = 200) and rural (Asan, N = 276) area. Logistic regression analysis was used to assess the association of exposure to potential environmental risk factors (use of either mosquito repellents or petroleum at home, use of pesticide in agriculture as a long-term occupation, i.e., 10 years or longer) with the reported self-perceived health symptoms. Results. In the rural area, 76.4% of participants reported that they had at least 10 years of farming experience. The percentage of male and female participants who used mosquito repellents was 2.4 and 1.9 times higher, respectively, in rural areas than that in the urban areas (p < 0.001). The adjusted odds ratios (ORs) for self-perceived symptoms of palpitation, numbness, depression, and headache were higher in women who had long-term farming experience (10 years or longer) than that in those with little (3 years or fewer) or no farming experience (reference group). Conclusions. Our study showed that a difference in the frequency of exposure to selected environmental risk factors between the urban and rural area was positively associated with the difference in the prevalence of self-perceived health symptoms including palpitation, numbness, depression, and headache.
机译:背景。韩国60岁以上的人口正在增加。应采用基于证据的风险管理策略来解决与人口老龄化相关的健康问题。目的这项初步研究旨在比较城市和农村地区特定环境风险因素的暴露患病率,并评估城市和农村60岁及以上老年人的自我感知健康症状与潜在环境风险因素的相关性。韩国地区。方法。这项基于便利性的横断面调查的参与者为60岁及60岁以上的人,他们是从市区(天安市,N = 200)和农村地区(阿山,N = 276)随机招募的。使用Logistic回归分析来评估暴露于潜在环境风险因素(在家中使用驱蚊剂或石油,在农业中长期使用农药(即10年或更长时间)使用农药)与报告的自我之间的联系。 -感知到的健康症状。结果。在农村地区,有76.4%的参与者表示他们至少有10年的农业经验。农村地区使用驱蚊剂的男性和女性比例分别比城市地区高2.4倍和1.9倍(p <0.001)。具有长期耕作经验(10年或以上)的女性的自我感觉到的心lp,麻木,抑郁和头痛症状的校正比值比(OR)高于(3岁或以下)很少的女性。或没有耕作经验(参考组)。结论我们的研究表明,城市和农村地区接触特定环境风险因素的频率差异与自我感知的健康症状(包括心itation,麻木,抑郁和头痛)的患病率呈正相关。



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