首页> 外文会议>Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation >gENESiS: Design, Operation and Integration of Smart Sustainable Buildings in Smart Power Grids

gENESiS: Design, Operation and Integration of Smart Sustainable Buildings in Smart Power Grids




This paper presents an overview of the gENESiS project, which focuses on smart sustainable buildings (SSBs) and their integration in smart distribution systems. In adding its own stepping stone towards the realization of the European Union’s (EU) recent targets for a "greener" energy system, gENESiS proposes optimization-driven approaches for modelling SSBs across three phases: building design (1), energy management system operation (2) and large-scale integration into smart power grids for providing flexibility services (3). The main developments and research findings obtained during the project’s half-life, across all three phases, are presented, along with a critical outlook on prevalent challenges and future research directions.
机译:本文介绍了创世纪项目的概述,它侧重于智能可持续建筑物(SSB)及其在智能配送系统中的集成。 在为实现欧盟(欧盟)最近的“绿色”能源系统的目标增加其自己的踩踏石头时,Genesis提出了在三个阶段建模SSB的优化驱动方法:建筑设计(1),能源管理系统操作( 2)和大规模集成到智能电网,用于提供灵活性服务(3)。 在项目的半衰期中获得的主要发展和研究结果,介绍了所有三个阶段,以及普遍挑战和未来研究方向的关键观点。



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