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Application dependency tracing for message oriented middleware




Software defined infrastructure greatly reduces the deployment cost of distributed applications. Many distributed applications employ message oriented middleware (MOM) for the integration of heterogeneous components and to achieve scalability and fault tolerance. The structure of a distributed application can be very complex. In addition, the asynchronous message delivery model of MOM further complicates the runtime behavior of a distributed application. To diagnose a faulty distributed application, one often needs to determine the dependences of its messages, and by extension, the dependences of its components. We propose Message Tracer to identify the message dependencies of a MOM-based distributed application. Message Tracer sniffs the network traffic of MOM and uses knowledge of message broker protocols to establish the dependencies. Message Tracer makes no assumption on the application threading model and incurs negligible performance overhead. Message Tracer correctly identified 95% of the dependencies for the common use cases and 75% of the dependencies when the system was under extreme stress.
机译:软件定义的基础架构大大降低了分布式应用程序的部署成本。许多分布式应用程序都使用面向消息的中间件(MOM)来集成异构组件并实现可伸缩性和容错能力。分布式应用程序的结构可能非常复杂。此外,MOM的异步消息传递模型进一步使分布式应用程序的运行时行为复杂化。为了诊断故障的分布式应用程序,通常需要确定其消息的依存关系,并进而确定其组件的依存关系。我们建议使用Message Tracer来识别基于MOM的分布式应用程序的消息依赖性。 Message Tracer嗅探MOM的网络流量,并使用消息代理协议的知识来建立依赖关系。 Message Tracer不对应用程序线程模型做任何假设,并且会产生可忽略的性能开销。当系统处于极端压力下时,Message Tracer可以正确识别出95%的常见用例依赖关系和75%的依赖关系。



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