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Using simio for simulation of ultrasound appointment




Ultrasound (US) examination plays a important role in diagnosis process. The goal is to improve the efficiency of US in West China Hospital of Sichuan University. This paper presents results from the use of sub-period appointment. At first, process mapping was used to identify the flow of examination and the bottleneck of it. Then the flow was modeled by the latest simulation platform-simio. Different experiment in simio represent different booking rule, and in different rule we set different time interval. Every experiment has 100 scenarios which have different slots in different periods. Waiting time of patients is seen as performance measures to determine which rule is the best booking rule. Of course, we want to minimize waiting time.
机译:超声检查在诊断过程中起着重要作用。目的是提高美国四川大学华西医院的效率。本文介绍了使用子期间约会的结果。首先,使用过程映射来确定检查流程及其瓶颈。然后,使用最新的仿真平台-simio对流程进行建模。 Simio中的不同实验代表不同的预订规则,并且在不同规则中我们设置了不同的时间间隔。每个实验都有100个场景,每个场景在不同时期都有不同的时段。患者的等待时间被视为确定哪个规则是最佳预订规则的绩效指标。当然,我们要尽量减少等待时间。



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