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Kaguya Moon Mission Data Repository: New Query Language Interface for Locating GIS Objects

机译:Kaguya Moon Mission数据存储库:用于查找GIS对象的新查询语言界面



The observation data gathered by a luanr probe "Kaguya", is now being officially published by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) through the web site. However, this web site does not have the lunar location and name based search function, thus we can not retrieve the data by location name or by feature type. Therefore, we developed the lunar featureame based Kaguya data search system. In addition, this system can be used by the simple keyword input, making use of Kaguya data. However, at present, only a geometric image product "TCOrtho_MAP" is available among the 88 Kaguya products. We plan to store, adopt all remaining products in a similar way, but the importing operation is not completely automated yet. Also it is hard to say that this system is highly optimized for dealing with Kaguya data. Because the base of this system is another support system called the Moon Seeker, it is for a lunar feature searching. Since finish of the Kaguya mission, some processed data, such as 3D map, are still generated by Kaguya's observation data. Hence we hope to continue the enrichment of this system for further promotion of these demands for Kaguya data.
机译:日本航天探索局(JAXA)通过网站正式发布了由探空探测器“ Kaguya”收集的观测数据。但是,该网站不具有基于月球位置和名称的搜索功能,因此我们无法通过位置名称或要素类型来检索数据。因此,我们开发了基于月球特征/名称的Kaguya数据搜索系统。另外,通过使用Kaguya数据,可以通过简单的关键字输入来使用该系统。但是,目前在88个Kaguya产品中只有几何图像产品“ TCOrtho_MAP”可用。我们计划以类似的方式存储,采用所有剩余产品,但是导入操作尚未完全自动化。另外,很难说该系统已针对处理Kaguya数据进行了高度优化。由于该系统的基础是另一个名为Moon Seeker的支持系统,因此它用于月球特征搜索。自完成Kaguya任务以来,Kaguya的观测数据仍会生成一些处理后的数据,例如3D地图。因此,我们希望继续丰富该系统,以进一步促进对Kaguya数据的这些需求。



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