首页> 外文会议>International conference on model and data engineering >Ontology-Based User Modeling for Handicraft Woman Recommendation

Ontology-Based User Modeling for Handicraft Woman Recommendation




Intelligent systems are good in presenting adapted information and services to the systems users' contexts. In fact, they are often based on contextual and profiling information. Thus it is necessary for these systems to have an explicit model for the user profile as well as for the user context. Ontology-based user profile and context modeling is especially important for reasoning systems that can benefit from inference on ontology representing different knowledge. In this paper, we propose an ontology-based user model to represent both user profile and context. Then, we give some rules for users' recommendation in the handicraft domain which is the domain of research project that we are involved in. The aim of the research project is to help handicraft women from emerging countries to use new technologies in order to improve their socio-economic level. Our ontology enriched by SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language) rules has the advantage to infer adapted services to handicraft woman through a system.



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