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The performance of the MROI fast tip-tilt correction system




The fast tip-tilt (FTT) correction system for the Magdalena Ridge Observatory Interferometer (MROI) is being developed by the University of Cambridge. The design incorporates an EMCCD camera protected by a thermal enclosure, optical mounts with passive thermal compensation, and control software running under Xenomai real-time Linux. The complete FTT system is now undergoing laboratory testing prior to being installed on the first MROI unit telescope in the fall of 2014. We are following a twin-track approach to testing the closed-loop performance: tracking tip-tilt perturbations introduced by an actuated flat mirror in the laboratory, and undertaking end-to-end simulations that incorporate realistic higher-order atmospheric perturbations. We report test results that demonstrate (a) the high stability of the entire opto-mechanical system, realized with a completely passive design; and (b) the fast tip-tilt correction performance and limiting sensitivity. Our preliminary results in both areas are close to those needed to realise the ambitious stability and sensitivity goals of the MROI which aims to match the performance of current natural guide star adaptive optics systems.
机译:剑桥大学正在开发用于Magdalena Ridge天文台干涉仪(MROI)的快速倾斜倾斜(FTT)校正系统。该设计包括一个受散热外壳保护的EMCCD摄像机,具有无源热补偿的光学安装座以及在Xenomai实时Linux下运行的控制软件。完整的FTT系统现在正在接受实验室测试,然后在2014年秋季安装到第一台MROI单元望远镜上。我们正在遵循双轨方法来测试闭环性能:跟踪由驱动器引起的倾斜倾斜摄动实验室中的平面镜,并进行包含现实的高阶大气扰动的端到端模拟。我们报告的测试结果表明:(a)整个光机械系统的高度稳定性,是通过完全无源的设计实现的; (b)快速的倾斜校正性能和极限灵敏度。我们在这两个领域的初步结果均接近实现MROI雄心勃勃的稳定性和灵敏度目标所需的结果,该目标旨在匹配当前自然导星自适应光学系统的性能。



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