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Agromapas, geospatial platform for rural affairs in Colombia




Agronet is the most important information technology program of the Colombian Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development — MADR and has been awarded by the Colombian e-government program in 2012 (ExcelGEL2012 Award) for the improvement on data accessibility reached with its multiple communication ways like the internet portal, SMS messages and web maps. Agronet is held by the MADR and was conceived in 2005 as a network that allows different organizations to report and query the most relevant agricultural and livestock information as an UN-FAO initiative oriented to researchers, managers, planners and policy makers. Agronet grew in organizational arrangements and technology platform improving the amount and quality of information available. In the last three years this improvement has been supported also by geoinformatics represented in a module called “Agromapas” that offers more than ten different data sources of spatial data. Agromapas is used most of the time as a web map application that let users to query and analyze spatial patterns of agricultural indicators like coverage and clustering, those maps complements other tools available on the portal like reports tables and graphs, and bring users alternatives to simplify the dynamics comprehension of the last thirty years of agriculture and livestock in Colombia with an user oriented interface. All this functionality is supported by different technologies like PostGIS, Geoserver, OpenLayers and google maps, integrated via Java RESTful Web Services, Javascript and GeoExt interfaces. This tools arrangement let users to explore and analyze the dynamics of crop area, production, livestock inventory, climate and rural policy impact in the past 30 years, supporting the Agronet initiative of serving thirty five data sources of agriculture and livestock together and going beyond on building a node of geospatial information. Agronet and the MADR in 2014 are designing and implementing the Colomb- an spatial data infrastructure — ICDE agricultural node, as an arrangement of policies, standards, hardware and software that will improve the Agromapas Initiative and the adoption of geospatial technology in related organizations, first step on this strategy is the adjustment and certification of data and discovery services via WCS, WMS, WFS with temporal support. Being part of ICDE and leading those activities Agromapas tries to build an ecosystem of agricultural and livestock information complemented with social, economic and environmental data to support national decision making processes and policy formulation. Colombia nowadays looks back to rural affairs and realizes that rural population need and important change on their production activities and some policies demand information analysis from multiple sources. Besides this activities, Agronet Experience has been shared to advise some other dependencies, especially on collecting spatial data, building spatial indicators, publishing maps on Agromapas and bringing users additional analysis tools. Nowadays when lack of IT appropriation across MADR and related organizations is evident and when stakeholders, policy formulators and citizens needs include spatial analysis the tools offered by Agromapas became more essential than important.
机译:Agronet是哥伦比亚农业和农村发展部长MADR最重要的信息技术计划,由于其通过多种通信方式(例如,互联网门户,短信和网络地图。 Agronet由MADR持有,其构想是2005年建立的一个网络,使不同组织可以报告和查询最相关的农业和畜牧信息,这是联合国粮农组织针对研究人员,管理人员,规划人员和决策者的一项举措。 Agronet的组织安排和技术平台不断发展,从而提高了可用信息的数量和质量。在过去的三年中,这种改进还得到了称为“ Agromapas”模块的地理信息学的支持,该模块提供了十多个空间数据的不同数据源。 Agromapas大部分时间用作网络地图应用程序,使用户可以查询和分析农业指标的空间模式,例如覆盖率和聚类,这些地图是门户网站上可用的其他工具(如报告表和图形)的补充,并为用户提供了简化的选择通过面向用户的界面来了解哥伦比亚过去30年农业和畜牧业的动态。通过Java RESTful Web服务,Javascript和GeoExt接口集成的PostGIS,Geoserver,OpenLayers和google maps等不同技术均支持所有这些功能。这种工具的安排使用户能够探索和分析过去30年中作物面积,产量,牲畜存量,气候和农村政策影响的动态,支持Agronet倡议,该倡议旨在为35个农业和牲畜数据源提供共同服务,并不断扩展。建立地理空间信息节点。 Agronet和MADR在2014年正在设计和实施Colomb(一种空间数据基础设施,即ICDE农业节点),作为一项政策,标准,硬件和软件的安排,这将改善Agromapas计划和相关组织对地理空间技术的采用,首先此策略的第一步是通过WCS,WMS,WFS在临时支持下对数据和发现服务进行调整和认证。作为ICDE的一部分并领导这些活动,Agromapas试图建立一个农业和畜牧信息生态系统,并辅以社会,经济和环境数据,以支持国家决策过程和政策制定。如今,哥伦比亚回顾了农村事务,并意识到农村人口的需求及其生产活动的重大变化,一些政策要求从多个来源进行信息分析。除了这些活动之外,还共享了Agronet Experience,以建议其他一些依赖项,特别是在收集空间数据,建立空间指示符,在Agromapas上发布地图以及为用户提供其他分析工具方面。如今,当在MADR和相关组织之间缺乏IT专用性的明显现象出现时,当利益相关者,政策制定者和公民的需求包括空间分析时,Agromapas提供的工具就变得越来越重要而不是重要。



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