
A Model-Based Synthesis Process for Choreography Realizability Enforcement




The near future in service-oriented system development envisions a ubiquitous world of available services that collaborate to fit users' needs. Modern service-oriented applications are often built by reusing and assembling distributed services. This can be done by considering a global specification of the interactions between the participant services, namely the choreography. In this paper, we propose a synthesis approach to automatically synthesize a choreography out of a specification of it and a set of services discovered as suitable participants. The synthesis is model-based in the sense that it works by assuming a finite state model of the services's protocol and a BPMN model for the choreography specification. The result of the synthesis is a set of distributed components, called coordination delegates, that coordinate the services' interaction in order to realize the specified choreography. The work advances the state-of-the-art in two directions: (ⅰ) we provide a solution to the problem of choreography realiz-ability enforcement, and (ⅱ) we provide a model-based tool chain to support the development of choreography-based systems.



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