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Sequence-Length Requirements for Phylogenetic Methods




We study the sequence lengths required by neighbor-joining, greedy parsimony, and a phylogenetic reconstruction method (DCM_(NJ) + MP) based on disk-covering and the maximum parsimony criterion. We use extensive simulations based on random birth-death trees, with controlled deviations from ultrametricity, to collect data on the scaling of sequence-length requirements for each of the three methods as a function of the number of taxa, the rate of evolution on the tree, and the deviation from ultrametricity. Our experiments show that DCM_(NJ) + MP has consistently lower sequence-length requirements than the other two methods when trees of high topological accuracy are desired, although all methods require much longer sequences as the deviation from ultrametricity or the height of the tree grows. Our study has significant implications for large-scale phylogenetic reconstruction (where sequence-length requirements are a crucial factor), but also for future performance analyses in phylogenetics (since deviations from ultrametricity are proving pivotal).
机译:我们研究由邻接,贪婪简约性,以及基于磁盘覆盖和最大简约标准的系统发生重建方法(DCM_(NJ)+ MP)所需要的序列的长度。我们用大量的模拟基于随机生死树,从ultrametricity控制偏差,收集数据上的序列长度要求的比例为每个三种方法作为类群数量的功能,进化上的速度树,从ultrametricity的偏差。我们的实验表明,DCM_(NJ)+ MP具有比当高拓扑精度的树所需的其他两种方法始终较低序列长度要求,虽然所有的方法需要更长的序列从ultrametricity偏差或树的高度生长。我们的研究对大型系统重建显著的影响(其中序列长度的要求是一个至关重要的因素),同时也为未来业绩的系统发育分析(因为从ultrametricity偏差证明关键)。



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