首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering >Host-Pathogen Protein Interaction Prediction Based on Local Topology Structures of a Protein Interaction Network

Host-Pathogen Protein Interaction Prediction Based on Local Topology Structures of a Protein Interaction Network




Understanding how pathogen's proteins interact with its host's proteins is the key concept for understanding pathogen's infection mechanism, which can lead to the discovery of improved therapeutics for treating infectious diseases. Several studies suggest that proteins from various pathogens tend to interact with human proteins involved in the same biological pathway. This implies that pathogens are inclined to target host's proteins with similar function. In addition, conservation between a protein's function and its local topological structure in a protein-protein interaction network (PIN) has been previously characterized. This leads to the hypothesis that pathogens target the host's proteins with a similar local topological structure in a PIN. In this work, this hypothesis is examined by adding a graphlet degree vector of a protein in the human PIN as a feature in the prediction model and using that model to predict the protein-protein interaction between human and four pathogens. The results show that this graphlet degree vector increases the performance significantly for all pathogens. This suggests that the intraspecies protein-protein interactions should be taken into consideration when developing prediction methods for host-pathogen protein interaction. The results also support the hypothesis that there exists a relationship between a protein's function and the local topology of the PIN.
机译:理解病原体的蛋白质如何与其宿主的蛋白质相互作用是了解病原体感染机制的关键概念,这可能导致发现改善治疗传染病的治疗方法。一些研究表明,来自各种病原体的蛋白质倾向于与参与相同生物途径的人蛋白质相互作用。这意味着病原体倾向于以具有类似功能的宿主的蛋白质。此外,蛋白质 - 蛋白质相互作用网络(PIN)中的蛋白质功能及其局部拓扑结构之间的保守已经表征。这导致了病原体靶向宿主的蛋白质在销中具有类似的局部拓扑结构的假设。在这项工作中,通过将人销中的蛋白质的石墨料载体作为预测模型中的特征添加并使用该模型来预测人和四种病原体之间的蛋白质 - 蛋白质相互作用来检查该假设。结果表明,对于所有病原体,该石墨度载体显着提高了性能。这表明在开发宿主病原蛋白相互作用的预测方法时,应考虑替代蛋白质 - 蛋白质相互作用。结果还支持假设蛋白质的功能与销的局部拓扑之间存在关系。



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