首页> 外文会议>Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories >A network of Rails a graph dataset of Ruby on Rails and associated projects

A network of Rails a graph dataset of Ruby on Rails and associated projects

机译:Rails网络Raby的Raby Rable DataSet在Rails和相关项目中



Software projects, whether open source, proprietary, or a combination thereof, rarely exist in isolation. Rather, most projects build on a network of people and ideas from dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of other projects. Using the GitHub APIs it is possible to extract these relationships for millions of users and projects. In this paper we present a dataset of a large network of open source projects centered around Ruby on Rails. This dataset provides insight into the relationships between Ruby on Rails and an ecosystem involving 1116 projects. To facilitate understanding of this data in the context of relationships between projects, users, and their activities, it is provided as a graph database suitable for assessing network properties of the community and individuals within those communities and can be found at https://github.com/pridkett/gitminer-data-rails.
机译:软件项目,无论是开源,专有还是其组合,都很少存在。相反,大多数项目都在人物和思想网络上建立了几十个,数百甚至数千个其他项目的人。使用GitHub API可以提取数百万用户和项目的这些关系。在本文中,我们在Ruby上展示了围绕Ruby的大型开源项目的数据集。此数据集介绍了Ruby在Rails之间的关系以及涉及1116个项目的生态系统之间的关系。为了便于在项目,用户和活动之间的关系中了解这些数据,它作为一个图表数据库提供,适用于评估这些社区内的社区和个人的网络属性,并且可以在HTTPS:// GitHub中找到.com / pridkett / gitminer-data-rails。



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