首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management >Grey relational analysis on service innovation performance in commercial banks

Grey relational analysis on service innovation performance in commercial banks




In order to analysis the influence factors of service innovation performance in commercial banks, this paper firstly set up an evaluation model of innovation performance in commercial banks, and used it in Industrial Commercial Bank of China(ICBC), The Bank of China (BC), China Construction Bank (CCB) and Bank of Communications, China(BCC). Secondly, sorted the influence factors as interior and exterior factors, therein, the exterior factors are supplier pushing, competitor driving and custom pulling, the interior factors are employee, investment and R&D institute. After collecting the relative data from memorabilia and annals of every bank, finally judged the influence degree of every factors through grey relational analysis theory. The result showed that the interior factors are more important than the exterior factors, the weightiness of factors from high to low are: R&D institute, employee, investment, custom pulling, supplier pushing, rival driving.



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