首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology >Development of Internet of Things Technology for Control System Mulberry Smart Farm : A case study at Surin Province

Development of Internet of Things Technology for Control System Mulberry Smart Farm : A case study at Surin Province




This research article aims to present the internet of things technology for control system mulberry smart farm: a case study at Surin province. This study developed mulberry smart farm that applied IoT technology to create employment and increase quality of mulberry leaves assuring the enough amount of the silkworms, and to evaluate the satisfaction of the users of the system. The mulberry smart farm was organized with a target group of 30 people. The results of the developed mulberry smart farm using IoT technology revealed the satisfaction at the average score of 4.36. The most satisfied item was about the valuable of mulberry smart farm (4.60 = very satisfied). The Blynk application can be easily used and applied for the remote control system for smart farm in other agricultural professions with benefit.
机译:本研究制品旨在介绍控制系统桑树智能农场的东西技术:素林省的案例研究。 本研究开发了应用IOT技术的桑树智能农场,以创造就业,增加桑树的质量,保证足够的蚕数量,并评估系统用户的满意度。 桑树智能农场由30人的目标组组织。 发达的桑树智能农场的结果使用物联网技术揭示了4.36的平均得分满意度。 最满意的项目是关于Mulberry Smart Farm(4.60 =非常满意)的有价值的。 Blynk应用可以很容易地使用和应用于其他农业专业的智能农场遥控系统。



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