
Bertrand Game Model for the Port Logistics Alliance

机译:Bertrand Port Logistics Alliance的游戏模型



There has been a furious price competition among port logistics enterprises in order to secure the cargo zealously. Therefore, how to prevent destructive price competition from draining all of the profits as well as which strategy should be applied have become the primary center of attention in the port industry. Bertrand model is just a effective means of solving in the price war. It was employed to verify the benefits of establishing port logistics enterprises alliance by way of the practice. Meanwhile, this paper discussed the importance of logistics alliance as a significant measure to improve the decision-making efficiency of the port, analyzed the necessity of establishing such alliances and proposed development strategies for port logistics alliances competing in terms of price.
机译:港口物流企业之间存在着愤怒的价格竞争,以便热心地保护货物。因此,如何防止破坏性价格竞争排出所有利润,以及哪些策略应该成为港口行业的主要关注中心。 Bertrand模型只是在价格战中解决的有效手段。它受雇于通过实践验证建立港口物流企业联盟的益处。同时,本文讨论了物流联盟作为提高港口决策效率的重大措施的重要性,分析了建立此类联盟的必要性,并为价格竞争的港口物流联盟竞争竞争。



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