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An Efficient Database Backup and Recovery Scheme using Write-Ahead Logging




Many cloud services perform periodic database backup to keep the data safe from failures such as sudden system crashes. In the database system, two techniques are widely used for data backup and recovery: a physical backup and a logical backup. The physical backup uses raw data by copying the files in the database, whereas the logical backup extracts data from the database and dumps it into separated files as a sequence of query statements. Both techniques support a full backup strategy that contains data of the entire database and incremental backup strategy that contains changed data since a previous backup. However, both strategies require additional I/O operations to perform the backup and need a long time to restore a backup. In this paper, we propose an efficient backup and recovery scheme by exploiting write-ahead logging (WAL) in database systems. In the proposed scheme, for backup, we devise a backup system to use log data generated by the existing WAL to eliminate the additional I/O operations. To restore a backup, we utilize and optimize the existing crash recovery procedure of WAL to reduce recovery time. For example, we divide the recovery range and applying the backup data for each range independently via multiple threads. We implement our scheme in MySQL, a popular database management system. The experimental result demonstrates that the proposed scheme provides instant backup while reducing recovery time compared with the existing schemes.
机译:许多云服务执行定期数据库备份,以使数据免受突然系统崩溃等故障的安全性。在数据库系统中,两种技术广泛用于数据备份和恢复:物理备份和逻辑备份。物理备份通过复制数据库中的文件来使用原始数据,而逻辑备份从数据库中提取数据并将其转储成分隔文件作为一系列查询语句。这两种技术都支持一个完整的备份策略,该策略包含自以前备份以来包含已更改数据的整个数据库和增量备份策略的数据。但是,这两种策略都需要额外的I / O操作来执行备份,并且需要很长时间才能恢复备份。在本文中,我们通过利用数据库系统中的注册记录(WAL)提出了高效的备份和恢复方案。在提出的方案中,对于备份,我们设计了备份系统以使用现有WAL生成的日志数据来消除额外的I / O操作。要恢复备份,我们利用并优化WAL的现有碰撞恢复过程,以减少恢复时间。例如,我们划分恢复范围并通过多个线程独立地应用每个范围的备份数据。我们在一个流行的数据库管理系统中实现了我们的计划。实验结果表明,所提出的方案提供即时备份,同时与现有方案相比减少了恢复时间。



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