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Analysis of the Global Water Vapor Distribution with COSMIC Radio Occultation Observations




Water vapor is one of the most important greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere. It plays a crucial role in the energy and hydrological cycles of the Earth's climate system. In this study, we compare the wet profiles derived from Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate (COSMIC) radio occultation (RO) during 2009 with those from radiosondes. The results show that the specific humidity profiles derived from COSMIC RO observations agree well with those from radiosonde observations. In addition, the global distribution of water vapor derived from COSMIC RO shows that the gradient variation from low latitude to high latitude is distinct except in some special areas, such as the Sahara desert of North Africa, which reflects the impacts of upward and downward branches of the Hardley cell, Ferrel cell and the polar circulation during NH summer and NH winter. The contrast between dry and moist regions is most distinct in the tropics. A pair of zonal circulations rotating in the opposite direction can be seen between the Pacific Ocean and India Ocean and between Africa and Atlantic Ocean, respectively. In NH summer, double InterTropical Convergence Zones (double ITCZs) occur over the western Pacific.
机译:水蒸气是地球大气中最重要的温室气体之一。它在地球气候系统的能量和水文循环中起着至关重要的作用。在这项研究中,我们将2009年的气象,电离层和气候星座观测系统(COSMIC)无线电掩星(RO)得出的湿廓线与探空仪的湿廓线进行了比较。结果表明,从COSMIC RO观测得到的比湿度曲线与从探空仪观测得到的比湿度曲线吻合得很好。此外,从COSMIC RO得出的水蒸气的全球分布表明,除了某些特殊区域(如北非的撒哈拉沙漠),低纬度到高纬度的梯度变化是明显的,这反映了向上和向下分支的影响NH夏季和NH冬季Hardley细胞,Ferrel细胞和极循环的变化。干燥地区和潮湿地区之间的对比在热带地区最为明显。在太平洋和印度洋之间以及非洲和大西洋之间可以看到一对反向旋转的纬向环流。在新罕布什尔州夏季,西太平洋上空出现双重热带交汇带(双重ITCZ)。



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