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An efficient channel access method using polling and dynamic priority assignment




In this paper we consider multi-access communication problem to allocate the channel efficiently among different nodes which wants to use it for communication. The problem is interesting for the access point does not know the number of packets to be transmitted per user node and nodes also don't know packet distribution at other nodes. There are many interesting approaches to this problem [1]. Broadly, we can classify as random access approach and deterministic approaches. In the random access approach each node tries to get hold of the channel as soon as it has a packet to transmit. Due to lack of knowledge about other nodes and no prior coordination among nodes such a method may lead to colliding packets over the channel. Deterministic methods involve scheduling of transmission based on some properties. Here, we introduce a new channel access method. This method follows deterministic model for transmitting packets. In this scheme the access point collects and schedules transmission of data packets in an efficient way. The receiver for which maximum packets are generated is given preference. However, such preferences can be changed if needed. Using simulation we find limits on the number of packets generated, number of packets lost and number of packets successfully transmitted with respect to receiver and channel capacity. This technique is compared with existing wireless protocol CSMA/CA. Our simulation results indicate that this scheme can work more efficiently than CSMA/CA with respect to channel throughput. The scheme is also compared with the conventional polling technique and the results capture the fact that the channel throughput of the proposed method is better than conventional polling at low load and the delay per node is nearly constant in proposed method while it increases in polling method. The results show that the proposed method shares the channel efficiently at low as well as the high load.
机译:在本文中,我们考虑多访问通信问题,以有效地在想要使用它进行通信的不同节点之间分配信道。问题对接入点有趣不知道每用户节点和节点传输的数据包数也不知道其他节点的数据包分发。这个问题有许多有趣的方法[1]。广泛地,我们可以作为随机访问方法和确定性方法进行分类。在随机访问方法中,每个节点一旦它具有传输的数据包就会立即获取通道。由于对其他节点的知识缺乏知识,并且没有在节点之间的先前协调这种方法可能导致频道上的碰撞分组。确定性方法涉及基于某些属性的传输调度。在这里,我们介绍了一个新的通道访问方法。该方法遵循用于传输数据包的确定性模型。在该方案中,接入点以有效的方式收集和调度数据分组的传输。优先考虑生成最大分组的接收器。但是,如果需要,可以改变这种偏好。使用模拟,我们发现所生成的数据包数量的限制,丢失的数据包数量和相对于接收器和信道容量成功传输的数据包数。将该技术与现有的无线协议CSMA / CA进行比较。我们的仿真结果表明,该方案可以比CSMA / CA更有效地工作,相对于信道吞吐量。该方案也与传统的轮询技术进行比较,结果捕获所提出的方法的信道吞吐量比在低负载下的常规轮询更好的事实,并且在推测方法中增加的方法中,每个节点的延迟几乎是恒定的。结果表明,该方法在低负荷下有效地共享通道。



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