首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology >Metaheuristic Search Algorithms for Oil Spill Detection Using SAR Images

Metaheuristic Search Algorithms for Oil Spill Detection Using SAR Images




In this research, we provide an image processing methodology based meta-heuristic search algorithm to perform segmentation-based clustering on Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) oil spill images. The proposed process will help to detect oil spills using SAR images and estimate the amount of oil spilled in a region. A sample image is evaluated using three different meta-heuristic search algorithms including Simulated Annealing (SA), Genetic Algorithm (GA), and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to determine the oil spill region; the results of the three algorithms are then compared. The three algorithms are used to determine the optimal cluster centers for three clusters (water, oil, and a mix of water and oil). The main advantage of this proposed method is its accuracy in determining the optimal cluster centers, which enhances oil spill detection in an area.
机译:在这项研究中,我们提供了一种基于图像处理方法的元 - 启发式搜索算法,以执行合成孔径雷达(SAR)漏油图像上的基于分段的聚类。该拟议的方法将有助于使用SAR图像检测漏油,并估计在区域中溢出的油量。使用三种不同的元启发式搜索算法评估样品图像,包括模拟退火(SA),遗传算法(GA)和粒子群优化(PSO),以确定漏油区;然后比较三种算法的结果。三种算法用于确定三个簇(水,油和水和油混合物)的最佳聚类中心。这种提出的方​​法的主要优点是其在确定最佳聚类中心时的准确性,这增强了一个区域的漏油检测。



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