首页> 外文会议>International conference on remote sensing and geoinformation of the environment >Complex vertical layering and mixing of aerosols over the eastern Mediterranean: Active and passive remote sensing at the Cyprus University of Technology

Complex vertical layering and mixing of aerosols over the eastern Mediterranean: Active and passive remote sensing at the Cyprus University of Technology




Aerosols can have a complicated influence on climate conditions, directly as well as indirectly via cloud formation. The southeastern Mediterranean region can be characterized as a cross road of aerosols originating from European, Asian and African continents. Complex vertical aerosol distributions are frequently detected over Cyprus by means of active remote sensing. Observations of such complex aerosol layering and comparison of the measurements with aerosol products of regional and global atmospheric transport models are required to improve our understanding of life cycles of aerosol mixtures and their impact on climate as well as on satellite remote sensing products. In this study, a case of an intense desert dust outbreak from Syria and Saudi Arabia towards the eastern Mediterranean in September 2011 is presented. The observations used in this study were performed with a 532-nm polarization Lidar and a sun/sky AERONET photometer operated at 8 channels from 340 to 1640 nm wavelength. Both instruments belong to remote sensing station of the Cyprus Technical University at Limassol, Cyprus (34°N, 33°E). The lofted dust plume was doped with air masses that crossed sources of biomass burning smoke and anthropogenic pollution. In addition, the shallow marine boundary layer over the Mediterranean Sea and over Limassol became mixed with the anthropogenic haze by sea breeze circulations. The case study demonstrates the potential of combined lidar/photometer observations to deliver detailed vertically resolved information of the aerosol characteristics in terms of particle optical and microphysical properties, separately for the spherical particle fraction as well as for the non-spherical aerosol mode.
机译:气溶胶可以直接或间接通过云的形成对气候条件产生复杂的影响。地中海东南部地区可以说是源自欧洲,亚洲和非洲大陆的气溶胶交叉路。塞浦路斯经常通过主动遥感探测到复杂的垂直气溶胶分布。需要对这种复杂的气溶胶分层进行观测,并与区域和全球大气传输模型的气溶胶产品进行测量比较,以增进我们对气溶胶混合物的生命周期及其对气候以及卫星遥感产品的影响的了解。在这项研究中,提出了2011年9月从叙利亚和沙特阿拉伯向地中海东部的一次强烈沙漠尘暴爆发案例。本研究中使用的观察是通过532 nm偏振激光雷达和太阳/天空AERONET光度计在340至1640 nm波长的8个通道上进行的。两种仪器都属于塞浦路斯利马索尔塞浦路斯技术大学的遥感站(北纬34°,东经33°)。高耸的尘埃流中弥漫着空气团,空气团穿越了燃烧烟气和人为污染的生物质来源。此外,由于海风环流,地中海和利马索尔上空的浅海边界层与人为霾混在一起。案例研究表明,结合激光雷达/光度计观测的潜力,可以就颗粒的光学和微观物理特性(分别针对球形颗粒部分和非球形气溶胶模式)提供详细的垂直解析的气溶胶特性信息。



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