首页> 外文会议>Transportation Research Board Annual meeting >Determining Network-wide Link Flows through Strategic Sensor Deployment without Path Enumeration

Determining Network-wide Link Flows through Strategic Sensor Deployment without Path Enumeration




Sensors are becoming increasingly critical elements in contemporary transportation systems, gathering essential(real-time) traffic information for the planning, management and control of these complex systems. In a recentpaper, Hu, Peeta and Chu introduced the interesting problem of determining the smallest subset of links in a trafficnetwork for counting sensor installation, in such a way that it becomes possible to infer the flows on all remaininglinks. The problem is particularly elegant because of its limited number of assumptions. Unfortunately, pathenumeration was required, which – as recognized by the authors – is infeasible for large-scale networks withoutfurther simplifying assumptions (that would destroy the assumption-free nature of the problem). In this paper, wepresent a reformulation of this link observability problem, requiring only node enumeration. Using this node-basedapproach, we prove a conjecture made by Hu, Peeta and Chu by deriving an explicit relationship between thenumber of nodes and links in a transportation network, and the minimum number of sensors to install in order to beable to infer all link flows. In addition, we demonstrate how the proposed method can be employed for roadnetworks that already have sensors installed on them. Numerical examples are presented throughout.
机译:传感器在当代交通运输系统中正变得越来越重要,它们必不可少 (实时)交通信息,以计划,管理和控制这些复杂的系统。在最近 Hu,Peeta和Chu在论文中介绍了确定交通中最小链接子集的有趣问题 网络,用于对传感器安装进行计数,从而可以推断所有剩余流量 链接。由于其假设数量有限,因此该问题特别棘手。不幸的是,路径 需要枚举,正如作者所承认的那样,对于没有网络的大型网络是不可行的 进一步简化假设(这将破坏问题的无假设性质)。在本文中,我们 提出了对此链路可观察性问题的重新表述,仅要求节点枚举。使用这个基于节点的 方法,我们通过推导胡,佩塔和楚之间的显式关系,证明了胡,佩塔和楚的猜想。 运输网络中节点和链接的数量,以及要安装的最少传感器数量 能够推断所有链接流。此外,我们演示了如何将建议的方法用于道路 已安装传感器的网络。全文中提供了数值示例。



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