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An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program




The Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act - A Legacy for Users(SAFETEA - LU) established the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP), whichauthorized about $ 1.3 billion US dollars per year from 2006 to 2009 to be spent on highwaysafety projects. The HSIP aims "to achieve a significant reduction in fatalities and seriousinjuries on all public roads," and the number of national traffic fatalities seems to have decreasedat about the same time. This study seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of the HSIP on reducingfatal crashes in the United States. This study adopted fixed-effect panel models and multilevelmixed-effect models to deal with the random fluctuations before and after the introduction of theHSIP and state specific effects. The results show that national traffic fatalities, indeed, have beenreduced about 7.5 percent nationwide since the introduction of the HSIP compared to the 2001-2005 average, but the magnitude of the reduction varied by states. It was found that the states'safety-related spending did not increase after the introduction of HSIP. Increased safety fundingfrom the federal government was offset by a reduction in funding at the state level, referred to asa crowd-out effect. This study found that the magnitude of state fatal crash reduction was highlyassociated with the years of crash data available, prioritizing method, and utilization of roadwayinventory data. Moreover, states that prioritize hazardous sites using more detailed roadwayinventory data and the Empirical Bayes method have the most remarkable reduction, relyingheavily on the quality of crash data system. This study found that effectiveness of the HSIP onreducing national fatal crashes is very likely due to the mandated reporting requirements, whichhelped states allocated safety spending more effectively and efficiently. This study also suggeststhat with more consistent and reliable crash data, states will be able to employ more sophisticatedprioritization methods and make better highway safety investment decisions.
机译:安全,负责,灵活,高效的运输公平法-用户的遗产 (SAFETEA-LU)建立了公路安全改进计划(HSIP), 授权在2006年至2009年期间每年在高速公路上花费13亿美元 安全项目。 HSIP的目标是“大幅减少死亡人数和严重死亡人数”。 所有公共道路上的人身伤害”,全国交通事故死亡人数似乎有所减少 大约在同一时间。这项研究旨在评估HSIP在减少排放方面的有效性。 在美国发生的致命车祸。本研究采用固定效应面板模型和多层次 混合效应模型用于处理引入模型前后的随机波动 HSIP和特定状态的影响。结果表明,确实发生了全国交通事故 自从引入HSIP以来,全国范围内的广告投放量比2001年减少了7.5% 2005年平均值,但减少幅度因州而异。发现各州 引入HSIP之后,与安全相关的支出并未增加。增加安全资金 来自联邦政府的资金被州一级的资金减少所抵消,这称为 挤出效应。这项研究发现,州致命事故减少的幅度非常高 与可用的碰撞数据的年限,优先级划分方法和巷道利用率相关联 库存数据。此外,各州使用更详细的道路优先处理危险场所 库存数据和经验贝叶斯方法的减少幅度最大,这取决于 在很大程度上取决于崩溃数据系统的质量。这项研究发现,HSIP的有效性 由于强制性的报告要求,很有可能减少国家致命的坠机事故, 帮助各州更有效地分配安全支出。这项研究还表明 通过更一致,更可靠的崩溃数据,各州将能够采用更先进的 确定优先次序的方法,并做出更好的高速公路安全投资决策。



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