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The Revisit Rack: Grouping Web Search Thumbnails for Optimal Visual Recognition

机译:Revisit Rack:对Web搜索缩略图进行分组以获得最佳视觉识别



Opinion and use of thumbnails in web search is still divided, despite agreement over their particular value during re-finding tasks. In this paper we introduce the idea of a Revisit Rack that, during re-finding tasks, presents thumbnails together at the top of the page rather than beside each result, so that users can more effectively utilize visual recognition without scrolling. The results of a pilot re-finding comparison with a traditional thumbnail and text-based layout, however, were mixed. Further investigation suggests that the spatial disconnect between thumbnail and result, when a desired target is not in the Revisit Rack, may be more costly than the benefits provided when the result can be found. The study did, however, highlight several ways in which the idea of a Revisit Rack could be more formally studied in future work.
机译:尽管在重新找到任务期间,仍然仍可分为Web搜索中缩略图的意见和使用缩略图。 在本文中,我们介绍了一个重新发现机架的想法,即在重新找到任务期间,在页面顶部,而不是每个结果旁边的缩略图,使得用户可以在不滚动的情况下更有效地利用视觉识别。 然而,与传统缩略图和基于文本的布局的试点再次找到比较的结果。 进一步的调查表明,当期望的目标不在Revisit Rack中时,缩略图和结果之间的空间断开,可能比可以找到结果所提供的好处更昂贵。 然而,该研究表现得出了几种方式,其中重新求架的想法可能更为正式研究未来的工作。



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