首页> 外文会议>ACM symposium on theory of computing >Pseudorandom Generators with Long Stretch and Low Locality from Random Local One-Way Functions

Pseudorandom Generators with Long Stretch and Low Locality from Random Local One-Way Functions




We continue the study of locally-computable pseudorandom generators (PRG) G : {0,1}~n → {0, l}~m that each of their outputs depend on a small number of d input bits. While it is known that such generators are likely to exist for the case of small sub-linear stretch rn - n + n~(1-δ), it is less clear whether achieving larger stretch such as m - n + Ω(n), or even m = n~(1+δ) is possible. The existence of such PRGs, which was posed as an open question in previous works, has recently gained an additional motivation due to several interesting applications. We make progress towards resolving this question by obtaining several local constructions based on the one-wayness of "random" local functions - a variant of an assumption made by Goldreich (ECCC 2000). Specifically, we construct collections of PRGs with the following parameters: 1. Linear stretch m = n + Ω(n) and constant locality d = O(1). 2. Polynomial stretch m = n~(1+δ) and any (arbitrarily slowly growing) super-constant locality d = ω(1). e.g., log~* n. 3. Polynomial stretch m = n~(1+δ), constant locality d = O(1), and inverse polynomial distinguishing advantage (as opposed to the standard case of n~(-ω(1)). As an additional contribution, we show that our constructions give rise to strong inapproximability results for the densest-subgraph problem in d-uniform hypergraphs for constant d. This allows us to improve the previous bounds of Feige (STOC 2002) and Khot (FOCS 2004) from constant inapproximability factor to n~ε-inapproximability, at the expense of relying on stronger assumptions.
机译:我们继续研究可本地计算的伪随机发生器(PRG)G:{0,1}〜n→{0,l}〜m,它们的每个输出都依赖于少数d个输入位。虽然已知在较小的亚线性拉伸rn-n + n〜(1-δ)的情况下可能会存在此类发生器,但尚不清楚是否实现较大的拉伸,例如m-n +Ω(n) ,甚至m = n〜(1 +δ)是可能的。这种PRG的存在在以前的工作中曾是一个未解决的问题,但由于一些有趣的应用,最近又获得了额外的动力。我们通过基于“随机”局部函数的单向性获得几种局部构造来解决这个问题,这是Goldreich(ECCC 2000)假设的一种变体。具体来说,我们使用以下参数构建PRG的集合:1.线性拉伸m = n +Ω(n)和恒定局部性d = O(1)。 2.多项式拉伸m = n〜(1 +δ)和任何(任意缓慢增长的)超恒定局部性d =ω(1)。例如log〜* n。 3.多项式拉伸m = n〜(1 +δ),恒定局部性d = O(1),以及多项式求逆优势(与n〜(-ω(1)的标准情况相反))。 ,我们证明我们的构造对于常数d的d一致超图中的最密集子图问题产生了很强的不可逼近结果,这使我们能够从恒定不可逼近改善Feige(STOC 2002)和Khot(FOCS 2004)的先前边界n〜ε-不可近似性的影响因素,但要以依赖更强的假设为代价。



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