
Compressed sensing of streaming data




We introduce a recursive scheme for performing Compressed Sensing (CS) on streaming data and analyze, both analytically and experimentally, the computational complexity and estimation error. The approach consists of sampling the input stream recursively via overlapping windowing and making use of the previous measurement in obtaining the next one. The signal estimate from the previous window is utilized in order to achieve faster convergence in an iterative optimization algorithm to decode the new window. To remove the bias of the estimator a two-step estimation procedure is proposed comprising support set detection and signal amplitude estimation. Estimation accuracy is enhanced by averaging estimates obtained from overlapping windows. The proposed method is shown to have asymptotic computational complexity O(nm3/2), where n is the window length, and m is the number of samples. The variance of normalized estimation error is shown to asymptotically go to 0 if k = O(n1−∈) as n increases. The simulation results show speed up of at least ten times with respect to applying traditional CS on a stream of data while obtaining significantly lower reconstruction error under mild conditions on the signal magnitudes and the noise level.
机译:我们介绍了用于在分析和实验上进行流传输数据和分析的压缩传感(CS)的递归方案,计算复杂性和估计误差。该方法包括通过重叠的窗口递归地对输入流进行采样,并利用先前的测量来获得下一个。利用来自先前窗口的信号估计,以便在迭代优化算法中实现更快的收敛以解码新窗口。为了消除估计器的偏置,提出了两步估计过程,包括支持设置检测和信号幅度估计。通过从重叠窗口获得的估计来增强估计精度。所提出的方法显示有渐近计算复杂度O(nm 3/2 ),其中n是窗口长度,m是样本的数量。归一化估计误差的方差显示为k = o(n 1-∈)增加,渐近地转到0。仿真结果在数据流上施加传统CS,在数据流下施加传统CS,在数据流下获得显着降低的重建误差和噪声水平,仿真结果显示在数据流下。



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