
The Cork Harbour 220kV Submarine Cable Project




One of the first 220kV AC XLPE insulated submarine cable projects in the world has been completed by the Electricity Supply Board (ESB) in 2011 in Cork, Ireland. The Aghada – Raffeen circuit, which comprises 3.3km of submarine cable and 3.5km of underground cable, was installed in 2010. The Glanagow – Raffeen circuit, which comprises 4.6km of submarine cable and 7.4km of underground cable, was installed in 2011. Both submarine cables were connected to underground cables at the shore landing points. The two circuits connect a total of 876MW of generating capacity from two new generating plants at Aghada and Whitegate to the Irish transmission grid. The paper describes the project from the route selection stage through to final testing and outlines the challenges that were overcome in the project. The route selection process involved carrying out a detailed hydrographical and geophysical survey, sea bed bathymetry, locating existing cables and obstacles, side-scan sonar and sub-bottom profiling, core sampling and a study of marine archaeology. Route selection also involved consultation with key stakeholders including the Port of Cork and local fishing interests. An environmental report was prepared and a foreshore licence was obtained from the Irish Government. The submarine cables for each circuit were produced in single continuous manufacturing lengths, as no factory joints or field joints were allowed due to limited service experience at this time. Following factory testing, the cables were transported to Ireland for installation. Four cables were laid for each circuit, including a spare phase. Prior to cable laying, the shore end landing points and near shore trenches were prepared. The cables were laid in shallow conditions where water depths were generally no more than 6 metres at high tide. This meant that highly customised cable installation methodologies had to be developed, taking into account cable laying vessel positioning, water depths, tides, currents, daylight and foreshore licence conditions. Both submarine cable routes involved crossings of deeper channels over short distances; the Glanagow – Raffeen circuit crosses the main shipping channel and this crossing had to be done while maintaining access for shipping during cable laying operations. Following cable laying, they were protected by embedding to a depth of 1 to 2 metres using high pressure water jetting. The cable design for the submarine cables had to take into account the mechanical, electrical and thermal elements and it was necessary to ensure that the required rating of the circuit was met at all points along the circuit, particularly on the approach of the submarine cable to the transition joint. The underground and submarine cables were jointed together at the shore end landing points which were then reinstated to their original condition. A post lay survey was carried out to confirm the position and burial depth of the cables. The commissioning of the cable circuits included a high voltage AC test with an applied voltage of 1.4U0 using a mobile resonant test set.
机译:全球首批220kV AC XLPE绝缘海底电缆项目之一已由爱尔兰供电局(ESB)于2011年完成。在2010年安装了Aghada – Raffeen电路,包括3.3公里的海底电缆和3.5 km的地下电缆。在2011年,安装了由Glanagow – Raffeen电路,包括4.6 km的海底电缆和7.4 km的地下电缆。两条海底电缆都在岸上着陆点连接到地下电缆。这两个回路将位于Aghada和Whitegate的两个新发电厂与爱尔兰的输电电网连接起来,发电容量总计876MW。本文介绍了从路线选择阶段到最终测试的项目,并概述了该项目中克服的挑战。路线选择过程包括进行详细的水文和地球物理勘测,海床测深,定位现有电缆和障碍物,侧面扫描声纳和下层轮廓,岩心取样以及海洋考古研究。路线选择还涉及与关键利益相关者的咨询,包括软木港口和当地捕捞利益。编写了一份环境报告,并从爱尔兰政府获得了前滨许可证。每个回路的海底电缆均以连续的制造长度生产,因为由于目前有限的服务经验,不允许工厂接头或现场接头。经过工厂测试后,电缆被运送到爱尔兰进行安装。为每个电路敷设了四根电缆,包括备用阶段。在铺设电缆之前,已准备好岸端降落点和近岸战es。电缆铺设在较浅的条件下,在高潮时水深一般不超过6米。这意味着必须开发高度定制的电缆安装方法,同时要考虑电缆敷设船的位置,水深,潮汐,水流,日光和前滨许可条件。两条海底电缆路线都涉及更短距离的更深通道的穿越。格拉纳哥–拉斐(Gaffe)–拉菲(Raffeen)电路穿越了主要的运输通道,必须在保持电缆敷设操作期间的运输通道的同时进行此穿越。电缆敷设后,使用高压水刀将其埋入1至2米的深度,以保护它们。海底电缆的电缆设计必须考虑机械,电气和热学因素,有必要确保沿着电路的所有点都满足电路的额定值,尤其是在海底电缆接近过渡接头。地下电缆和海底电缆在岸端降落点连接在一起,然后恢复到原始状态。进行了铺设后调查,以确认电缆的位置和埋葬深度。电缆电路的调试包括使用移动谐振测试仪进行的高电压AC测试,施加​​的电压为1.4U0。



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