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Transient Isotope Separation Modeling of Gas Centrifuge Enrichment Plants




With the increase in demand for nuclear power development, International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA) safeguards have been strained as the IAEA budget has not risen to meet these demands. Tocontinue meeting the goals of verifying normal behavior in a gas centrifuge enrichment plant (GCEP),there is a need to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of IAEA safeguards. Several studies havelooked into developing new technologies to assist IAEA inspections or possibly move to unattendedverification including monitoring flow rates and enrichment levels. In addition to developing monitoringequipment, it is important to understand the time scales associated with centrifuge cascade operationand changes in operation. In this study, a transient isotope separation model and fluid dynamics modelof a generic GCEP is developed. These models are used to simulate a cascade operating in normal andoff-normal conditions. These simulations are used to develop time scales associated with proliferationin relation to enrichment and flow measurements. This information can be useful in developing newsafeguards technologies as well as helping to optimize on-site inspections.
机译:随着对核电开发需求的增加,国际原子能机构 (IAEA)的保障措施十分紧张,因为IAEA的预算并未满足这些需求。到 继续满足验证气体离心浓缩厂(GCEP)正常行为的目标, 有必要提高原子能机构保障监督的效率和效力。有几项研究 研究开发新技术以协助原子能机构视察,或可能转向无人看管 验证,包括监测流速和浓缩水平。除了开发监控 设备,了解与离心机级联操作相关的时间范围很重要 以及操作上的变化。在这项研究中,瞬态同位素分离模型和流体动力学模型 开发了通用GCEP。这些模型用于模拟在正常情况下运行的级联 非正常情况。这些模拟用于建立与扩散有关的时间尺度 关于浓缩和流量测量。此信息对于开发新产品可能很有用。 保护技术并帮助优化现场检查。



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