首页> 外文会议>ACM international conference on supercomputing >CATS: Cache Aware Task-Stealing based on Online Profiling in Multi-socket Multi-core Architectures

CATS: Cache Aware Task-Stealing based on Online Profiling in Multi-socket Multi-core Architectures




Multi-socket Multi-core architectures with shared caches in each socket have become mainstream when a single multi-core chip cannot provide enough computing capacity for high performance computing. However, traditional task-stealing schedulers tend to pollute the shared cache and incur severe cache misses due to their randomness in stealing. To address the problem, this paper proposes a Cache Aware Task-Stealing (CATS) scheduler, which uses the shared cache efficiently with an online profiling method and schedules tasks with shared data to the same socket. CATS adopts an online DAG partitioner based on the profiling information to ensure tasks with shared data can efficiently utilize the shared cache. One outstanding novelty of CAT'S is that it does not require any extra user-provided information. Experimental results show that CATS can improve the performance of memory-bound programs up to 74.4% compared with the traditional task-stealing scheduler.
机译:多套接字多核架构在每个插座中具有共享缓存的多核架构已成为单芯芯片不能为高性能计算的足够计算能力提供主流。然而,传统的任务窃取调度人员倾向于污染共享缓存,并且由于窃取中的随机性而产生严重的缓存未命中。要解决此问题,本文提出了缓存意识的任务窃取(CATS)调度程序,它使用与在线分析方法有效地使用共享缓存,并将具有共享数据的任务安排到同一套接字。 CAT基于分析信息,采用在线DAG分区器,以确保具有共享数据的任务可以有效地利用共享缓存。一个杰出的猫新颖性是它不需要额外的用户提供的信息。实验结果表明,与传统的任务窃取调度程序相比,猫可以提高内存结合程序的性能高达74.4%。



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