首页> 外文会议>Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference >Pre-mining Drainage of Coal Seams – U.S. Practices and Applicability to Worldwide Coal Mine Methane Drainage Projects

Pre-mining Drainage of Coal Seams – U.S. Practices and Applicability to Worldwide Coal Mine Methane Drainage Projects




Hydraulic fracturing of coal seams to produce methane in advance of mining has been an establishedtechnique in the United States (U.S.) for over 30 years. Trial projects in the Black Warrior basin, initiatedin the 1970’s by the U.S. Bureau of Mines, demonstrated reduction of up to 70% of in-situ methane,over a ten year period, using vertically stimulated wells. Large scale commercial production of methanefrom coal seams started in the 1980’s and once further study had demonstrated the safety of theprocess, several U.S. coal mining companies began using the technique to remove methane from coalseams before mining. This has four main benefits: (1) methane content in the coal seams is significantlyreduced, resulting in lower methane concentrations in the mine during mining, which improves bothmine safety and productivity as well as reducing ventilation requirements; (2) a valuable resource thatwould otherwise escape to the atmosphere is captured and can be utilized for profit; (3) produced gas isvery high quality; and (4) emissions of methane - a powerful greenhouse gas (GHG) - from the mine aregreatly reduced.Several underground U.S. mines currently use vertical and horizontal wells to drain methane beforemining. Drilling vertical wells and hydraulically fracturing the coal seam has been the standardcompletion method, but developments in drilling technology over the last decade have allowed thecost-effective drilling of horizontal wells. These wells have multiple lateral boreholes, drilled in specificpatterns, allowing the drainage of a large area of coal from one well-site. Operators report recoveryrates of 80-90% of in-situ gas in a two to three year time period.Vertical, hydraulically fractured wells and horizontally drilled wells have been used in coalbed methane(CBM) projects outside the U.S., mainly in Australia and Canada. Recent projects in China and India haveyet to emulate U.S. production rates. Lower coal permeability values, more complex coal geology, a lackof service companies, regulatory issues and limited land availability increase technical risks and costswhen compared to U.S. operations.Most coal mines outside of the U.S. use in-mine drainage methods to degas their coals. In talks withUSEPA, several of these coal mining companies have expressed interest in pre-mining drainage as analternative degassing method. This paper will review the main pre-mining methane drainage techniquesemployed in the U.S. and will discuss the applicability of such technologies to methane drainageoverseas, with particular focus on China, India and Kazakhstan.
机译:建立煤层水力压裂以在开采前生产甲烷 在美国(美国)使用这项技术已有30多年的历史了。在黑武士盆地的试验项目已经启动 在1970年代美国矿务局(U.S. Mines Bureau)展示了多达70%的原位甲烷减排, 在十年内,使用垂直增产的油井。甲烷的大规模商业化生产 从1980年代开始的煤层开采开始,一旦进一步研究证明了煤层气的安全性, 在此过程中,几家美国煤矿公司开始使用该技术从煤中去除甲烷 开采前接缝。这有四个主要好处:(1)煤层中的甲烷含量显着 减少,从而降低了采矿过程中矿井中的甲烷浓度,这同时改善了 矿山安全和生产力,以及减少通风要求; (2)宝贵的资源 否则逃逸到大气中会被捕获并可以用于牟利; (3)产生的气体是 很高的质量; (4)矿井中甲烷的排放-一种强大的温室气体(GHG)是 大大减少了。 美国的一些地下矿井目前使用垂直井和水平井来排放甲烷 矿业。钻垂直井和水力压裂煤层已成为标准 完井方法,但近十年来钻井技术的发展使 具有成本效益的水平井钻井。这些井有多个横向钻孔,在特定位置钻 模式,允许从一个井场排放大面积的煤炭。运营商报告恢复 两到三年内80%至90%的原位气体发生率。 垂直,水力压裂井和水平钻井已用于煤层气 (CBM)在美国以外的项目,主要在澳大利亚和加拿大。中国和印度最近的项目有 尚未模仿美国的生产率。较低的煤渗透率值,更复杂的煤层地质,缺乏 服务公司的发展,监管问题和有限的土地供应增加了技术风险和成本 与美国业务相比 美国境外的大多数煤矿都使用矿井排水方法对煤进行脱气。与之对话 美国环保局(USEPA),其中一些煤炭开采公司已经表示有兴趣对采矿前的排水进行 替代脱气方法。本文将回顾主要的开采前甲烷排放技术 在美国使用,并将讨论此类技术在甲烷排放中的适用性 海外,尤其是中国,印度和哈萨克斯坦。



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