首页> 外文会议>Americas conference on information systems >Adoption of Telecenters in South Wollo Zone of Amhara Regional State in Ethiopia: Special Emphasis on Internet Services

Adoption of Telecenters in South Wollo Zone of Amhara Regional State in Ethiopia: Special Emphasis on Internet Services




Information Communication Technology (ICT) has become driving force in today's society strengthening national economies and supporting democratic processes worldwide. ICT has been a significant area of research, but its nature changed considerably with the emergence of the Internet. The Internet service is provided through different means including telecenters. New technologies should be adopted and accepted by the society to benefit from their potential advantage. Many researchers, in the field of ICT, have studied and proposed models of technology acceptance. One of those models is the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) which was proposed by Venkatesh et al (2003) and used in this research to find out direct determinant factors of telecenters for Internet services. In this research it is tried to find out the core constructs of telecenters' Internet services intention to use and use behavior. Literature review has been done with respect to models of technology acceptance, ICT, telecenters and technology adoption. Self-administered questionnaire was used to collect primary data from 200 users of telecenters for Internet services. All the 200 questionnaires were usable; and demographic and descriptive statistics and Partial Least Square (PLS) regression were used to analyze the data. The study has found that performance expectancy and effort expectancy have positive influence in behavioral intention and behavioral intention has positive influence in use behavior of telecenters' Internet services.
机译:信息通信技术(ICT)已成为当今社会加强国民经济和支持全球民主进程的驱动力。 ICT是一个重要的研究领域,但是随着Internet的出现,它的性质发生了很大的变化。 Internet服务是通过包括电信中心在内的不同方式提供的。新技术应被社会接受并接受,以从其潜在优势中受益。 ICT领域的许多研究人员已经研究并提出了技术接受模型。其中一种模型是Venkatesh等人(2003)提出的技术接受和技术使用统一理论(UTAUT),该理论用于研究互联网服务电信中心的直接决定因素。在本研究中,试图找出电信中心互联网服务使用意图和使用行为的核心结构。关于技术接受,ICT,电信中心和技术采用的模型已经进行了文献综述。使用自我管理的调查表收集了200个电信中心用户的Internet服务的主要数据。 200份问卷全部可用。并使用人口统计学和描述性统计学以及偏最小二乘(PLS)回归分析数据。研究发现,绩效预期和努力预期对行为意图具有积极影响,而行为意图对电信中心互联网服务的使用行为具有积极影响。



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