
Random Numbers for Quantum Key Distribution




Quantum key distribution (QKD) has seen an important development for the last ten years. Nowadays, different companies offer commercial solutions and key exchanges at pulse rates of up to 1 GHz and over distances of up to 200 km have been demonstrated in research labs. However, the generation of random bit strings has often been neglected and it remains a technical problem, as physical random number generators have still insufficient bit rates for high speed QKD. In this talk, after an introduction in QKD, a state of the art prototype developed at the University of Geneva was presented. This prototype allows generating keys at high rates over up to 200 km of optical fiber. However, due to the lack of high rate physical random generators, random bits at a rate of 350 MHz are produced by a pseudo random number generator seeded by random bits originating from a quantum random number generator (4 MHz, id Quantique). It was show how an eavesdropper could attack a QKD system based on pseudo random numbers. Finally, different possibilities to increase the rates of quantum random number generators was discussed.
机译:量子密钥分布(QKD)在过去十年中看到了一个重要的发展。如今,不同的公司提供了高达1 GHz的脉冲率的商业解决方案和关键交换,并在研究实验室中展示了高达200公里的距离。然而,通常忽略了随机比特字符串的产生,并且仍然是技术问题,因为物理随机数发生器对高速QKD的比特率仍然不足。在这次谈判中,在QKD引进后,在日内瓦大学开发的艺术原型出现。该原型允许以高达200公里的光纤产生高速率的键。然而,由于缺乏高速速率的物理随机发生器,通过源自量子随机数发生器(4MHz,ID Quantique)的随机位接种的伪随机数发生器产生的速率为350MHz的随机比特。它展示了窃听者如何基于伪随机数攻击QKD系统。最后,讨论了不同可能性增加量子随机数发生器率的可能性。



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