首页> 外文会议>European conference on computer vision >Visual Cortex as a General-Purpose Information-Processing Device

Visual Cortex as a General-Purpose Information-Processing Device

机译:Visual Cortex作为通用信息处理设备



Experiments on the primary visual cortex (VI) of monkeys have established that (1) VI neurons respond to certain low-level visual features like orientation and color at specific locations, (2) this selectivity is preserved over wide ranges in contrast, (3) preferences are each mapped smoothly across the VI surface, and (4) surround modulation effects and visual illusions result from complex patterns of interaction between these neurons. Although these properties are specific to vision, this paper describes how each can arise from a generic cortical architecture and local learning rules. In this approach, initially unspecific model neurons automatically become specialized for typical patterns of incoming neural activity, forming detailed representations of visual properties through self-organization. The resulting computational model suggests that it may be possible to devise a relatively simple, general, high-performance system for processing visual and other real-world data.
机译:在猴子的初级视觉皮层(VI)上进行的实验已经确定,(1)VI神经元对某些低级视觉特征(例如特定位置的方向和颜色)做出响应,(2)相反,这种选择性在较大范围内得以保留,(3 )偏好分别在VI曲面上平滑映射,并且(4)环绕调制效果和视觉错觉是由这些神经元之间复杂的相互作用模式引起的。尽管这些属性是视觉特有的,但本文描述了每种属性如何从通用的皮质结构和本地学习规则中产生。在这种方法中,最初非特异性的模型神经元自动变为专门用于传入神经活动的典型模式,通过自组织形成视觉特性的详细表示。所得的计算模型表明,可能有可能设计出一个相对简单,通用的高性能系统来处理视觉和其他实际数据。



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