首页> 外文会议>International conference on progress in cultural heritage preservation >The Use of GIS in the National System for Cultural Heritage Management and Dissemination to the General Public in Norway: Case Study:The Heritage Management Database 'Askeladden'and the System for Dissemination to the Public, 'Kulturminnesok'

The Use of GIS in the National System for Cultural Heritage Management and Dissemination to the General Public in Norway: Case Study:The Heritage Management Database 'Askeladden'and the System for Dissemination to the Public, 'Kulturminnesok'

机译:GIS在挪威文化遗产管理和向公众传播的国家系统中的使用:案例研究:遗产管理数据库“ Askeladden”和向公众传播的系统“ Kulturminnesok”



This paper summarizes the use of a GIS-platform as a platform for cultural heritage management of sites, buildings and monuments in Norway. The purpose of this paper is to describe the database system for managing cultural heritage monuments and sites. The system uses both database and GIS functionality, and it aims to integrate all data relating to immovable sites and monuments that are in some way protected by the Cultural Heritage Act. . GIS functions and the need for standards will be focussed in the paper. The public version of the database will also be described.
机译:本文总结了使用GIS平台作为挪威遗址,建筑物和古迹的文化遗产管理平台。本文的目的是描述用于管理文化遗产和遗址的数据库系统。该系统同时使用数据库和GIS功能,其目的是集成与受《文化遗产法》以某种方式保护的不动产和古迹有关的所有数据。 。 GIS功能和对标准的需求将在本文中重点介绍。也将描述数据库的公共版本。



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