
Selecting Feature Subset via Constraint Association Rules




In this paper, a novel feature selection algorithm FEAST is proposed based on association rule mining. The proposed algorithm first mines association rules from a data, set; then, it identifies the relevant and interactive feature values with the constraint association rules whose consequent is the target concept, and detects the redundant feature values with constraint association rules whose consequent and antecedent are both single feature value. After that, it eliminates the redundant feature values, and obtains the feature subset by mapping the relevant feature values to corresponding features. The efficiency and effectiveness of FEAST are tested upon both synthetic and real world data sets, and the classification results of the three different types of classifiers (including Naive Bayes, C4.5 and PART) with the other four representative feature subset selection algorithms (including CFS, FCBF, INTERACT and associative-based FSBAR) were compared. The results on synthetic data sets show that FEAST can effectively identify irrelevant and redundant features while reserving interactive ones. The results on the real world data sets show that FEAST outperformed other feature subset selection algorithms in terms of average classification accuracy and Win/Draw/Loss record.
机译:本文提出了一种基于关联规则挖掘的特征选择算法FEAST。提出的算法首先从数据集挖掘关联规则;然后,它以结果为目标概念的约束关联规则识别相关和交互的特征值,并使用结果和前因均为单一特征值的约束关联规则检测冗余特征值。之后,它消除了冗余特征值,并通过将相关特征值映射到相应特征来获得特征子集。 FEAST的效率和有效性在合成数据集和真实世界数据集上进行了测试,并使用其他四种代表性特征子集选择算法(包括三种)对三种不同类型的分类器(包括朴素贝叶斯,C4.5和PART)的分类结果进行了测试。比较了CFS,FCBF,INTERACT和基于关联的FSBAR)。综合数据集的结果表明,FEAST可以有效地识别不相关和冗余的特征,同时保留交互式特征。真实数据集上的结果表明,FEAST在平均分类准确度和Win / Draw / Loss记录方面优于其他特征子集选择算法。



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