
MPCA System Sustainability. PNPI Experience

机译:MPC和系统可持续性。 PNPI经验



Implementing the upgraded nuclear material physical protection, control and accountability systems and methods is followed by their long-term sustainability, which needs to be realized with a maximum effectiveness and benefit to the site. This paper deals with the experience of the Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, with the support of the U.S.Department of Energy, in implementing a set of sustainability measures, taking into account technical, human and other factors. Using Idaho National Laboratory as an example, international experience in the area of performance testing as an important tool to maintaining the effectiveness of the implemented MPC&A systems is discussed as a final element that goes into the sustainability set of measures and activities.
机译:实施升级的核材料物理保护,控制和问责制和方法之后是他们的长期可持续性,需要以最大的效力和利益来实现。本文涉及Konstantinov Petersburg核物理研究所的经验,并在执行一套可持续性措施,考虑到技术,人类和其他因素,以支持美国康涅狄格州彼得堡核物理研究所的经验。使用Idaho National Lavenatoratory作为一个例子,绩效测试领域的国际经验是保持实施的MPC和系统有效性的重要工具,作为进入可持续性措施和活动的最终因素。



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