
Greedy Distance Vector Routing




Greedy Distance Vector (GDV) is the first geographic routing protocol designed to optimize end-to-end path costs using any additive routing metric, such as: hop count, latency, ETX, ETT, etc. GDV requires no node location information. Instead, GDV uses estimated routing costs to destinations which are locally computed from node positions in a virtual space. GDV makes use of VPoD, a new virtual positioning protocol for wireless networks. Prior virtual positioning systems (e.g., Vivaldi and GNP) were designed for Internet hosts and require that each host measures latencies (routing costs) to distant hosts or landmarks. VPoD does not have this requirement and uses only routing costs between directly connected nodes. Experimental results show that the routing performance of GDV is better than prior geographic routing protocols when hop count is used as metric and much better when ETX is used as metric. As a geographic protocol, the storage cost of GDV per node remains low as network size increases. GDV provides guaranteed delivery for nodes placed in 2D, 3D, and higher dimensions. We also show that GDV and VPoD are highly resilient to dynamic topology changes.
机译:贪婪距离矢量(GDV)是第一个地理路由协议,旨在使用任何附加路由度量标准(例如跳数,等待时间,ETX,ETT等)来优化端到端路径成本。GDV不需要节点位置信息。取而代之的是,GDV使用估计的到目的地的路由成本,这些成本是根据虚拟空间中的节点位置本地计算的。 GDV利用了VPoD,这是一种用于无线网络的新虚拟定位协议。现有的虚拟定位系统(例如,Vivaldi和GNP)是为因特网主机设计的,并且要求每个主机测量到远方主机或地标的等待时间(路由成本)。 VPoD没有此要求,仅使用直接连接的节点之间的路由成本。实验结果表明,将跳数用作度量标准时,GDV的路由性能要优于以前的地理路由协议,而将ETX用作度量标准时,GDV的路由性能要好得多。作为地理协议,随着网络规模的增加,每个节点的GDV存储成本仍然很低。 GDV为放置在2D,3D和更高尺寸中的节点提供有保证的交付。我们还显示GDV和VPoD对动态拓扑变化具有高度的适应性。



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