
Real-Time Image Smoothing Based on True Edges




are as close as possible to the center of true edges. This gives us an opportunity to judge how well edges are preserved for an edge-preserving smoothing filter. We therefore propose a nonlinear edge-preserving interpolation technique guided by the Canny true edges in an image. Our new edge-preserving smoothing algorithm smoothes high-contrast details and, at the same time, effectively preserves the true edges in the input image. In order to achieve a real-time performance, we further implement the algorithm using NVIDIA CUDA by taking advantage of the high parallelism of modern graphics hardware. The proposed algorithm smoothes low-contrast regions while effectively preserving true edges, and can also be used to produce vivid abstracted effects from realistic photographs.
机译:尽可能靠近真实边缘的中心。这使我们有机会判断边缘保留平滑滤波器保留边缘的程度。因此,我们提出了一种以Canny真实边缘为指导的非线性保留边缘的内插技术。我们新的边缘保留平滑算法可对高对比度细节进行平滑处理,同时有效地保留输入图像中的真实边缘。为了实现实时性能,我们利用NVIDIA CUDA进一步利用现代图形硬件的高度并行性来实现该算法。所提出的算法在有效保留真实边缘的同时平滑了低对比度区域,还可以用于从逼真的照片中产生生动的抽象效果。



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