首页> 外文会议>12th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management >Adaptive post-failure load balancing in fast reroute enabled IP networks

Adaptive post-failure load balancing in fast reroute enabled IP networks




Fast reroute (FRR) techniques have been designed and standardised in recent years for supporting sub-50-millisecond failure recovery in operational ISP networks. On the other hand, if the provisioning of FRR protection paths does not take into account traffic engineering (TE) requirements, customer traffic may still get disrupted due to post-failure traffic congestion. Such a situation could be more severe in operational networks with highly dynamic traffic patterns. In this paper we propose a distributed technique that enables adaptive control of FRR protection paths against dynamic traffic conditions, resulting in self-optimisation in addition to the self-healing capability. Our approach is based on the Loop-free Alternates (LFA) mechanism that allows non-deterministic provisioning of protection paths. The idea is for repairing routers to periodically re-compute LFA alternative next-hops using a lightweight algorithm for achieving and maintaining optimised post-failure traffic distribution in dynamic network environments. Our experiments based on a real operational network topology and traffic traces across 24 hours have shown that such an approach is able to significantly enhance relevant network performance compared to both TE-agnostic and static TE-aware FRR solutions.



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