首页> 外文会议>2011 IEEE 9th International Conference on Web Services >Rule-Based Run-Time Information Flow Control in Service Cloud

Rule-Based Run-Time Information Flow Control in Service Cloud




Service cloud provides added value to customers by allowing them to compose services from multiple providers. Most existing web service security models focus on the protection of individual web services. When multiple services from different domains are composed together, it is critical to ensure the proper information flow on the chain of services. In a service chain, each service needs to determine whether the sensitive information can be directly or indirectly disseminated to the subsequent services. Also, each service in the chain needs to decide whether to accept the data passed to it directly or indirectly from prior services. Moreover, the input data that service si receives from si-1, si. InF, may cause certain side effects inside si, such as updating si's backend database using data computed from si. InF. Service si may wish to allow such side effects in one situation while reject some side effects in another situation. All these decisions should be made based on the service's information flow control policies. To achieve fine-grained information flow control, it is also necessary to analyze the flow and processing of the data and derive the dependencies between the data dynamically generated or used in a service chain. In this paper, we develop a run-time information flow control model for service cloud. First, we develop a run-time dependency analysis mechanism which enables each service in the service chain to determine the correlation between the locally accessed data and the data dynamically generated by the services in the service chain. Then, we develop a model to enable each service in a service chain to specify policies on how its sensitive information can be released to its subsequent services and what types of input data from prior services can be accepted and how they can flow within the services. Finally, we design a run-time protocol to enforce these policies in a service chain.
机译:服务云通过允许客户组合来自多个提供商的服务来为客户提供增值。现有的大多数Web服务安全模型都集中在对单个Web服务的保护上。当来自不同域的多个服务组合在一起时,至关重要的是要确保服务链上的信息流正确。在服务链中,每个服务都需要确定是否可以将敏感信息直接或间接分发给后续服务。同样,链中的每个服务都需要决定是否接受从先前服务直接或间接传递给它的数据。此外,服务si从si-1,si接收输入数据。 InF可能会在si内部造成某些副作用,例如使用从si计算的数据更新si的后端数据库。 InF。服务人员可能希望在一种情况下允许这种副作用,而在另一种情况下拒绝某些副作用。所有这些决定都应基于服务的信息流控制策略来做出。为了实现细粒度的信息流控制,还必须分析数据的流和处理,并得出在服务链中动态生成或使用的数据之间的依赖关系。在本文中,我们为服务云开发了一个运行时信息流控制模型。首先,我们开发了一种运行时相关性分析机制,该机制使服务链中的每个服务能够确定本地访问的数据与服务链中的服务动态生成的数据之间的相关性。然后,我们开发一个模型,以使服务链中的每个服务能够指定有关如何将其敏感信息发布到其后续服务,可以接受来自先前服务的哪些类型的输入数据以及它们如何在服务中流动的策略。最后,我们设计了一个运行时协议以在服务链中实施这些策略。



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